in the 80’s ? Data Transfer Volume – remember downloading Windows XP installation disk in 1992 ? Storage Capacity – Remeber the 360 kb, 5.25” floppy disk ? Memory Capacity – Remember your 64kb memory ?
human civilization, Light Source come from fire. Not before 300.000 years ago, human create fire using flint rock Then, arround 16th centuries, human lit fire on a kerosen fuse. In 1880, Edison invented light bulb. Human start to connect cable to shed some light. In 1911, a lamp in (most) house holds, Human looks for lamp switch on the wall to shed some light. In 1950, human look for illuminated wall switch in a dark room to shed some light In 1980, light switch is part of a room. In 1990, human freaks out when there are no light switch in a room In 2000, human just enter a room or say “let there be light” In 2020, light is part of a room and freak out when there are no light in a room. Taken for granted.
houses) Health care (medicines, medical treatment) Quality of live (transportations, entertainment, art) Productivity (manufacture, invention, creativities) Socials (communication, politics, war, coalitions) Human nature (explorations, research)
1 warp equals to speed of light. 1 impulse equals to ¼ warp ¼ impulse equals to 18,665 km/h Every 1 warp step-up is by power of 3 of previous level Thats Warp 2 is 2^3 of Warp 1 (8 speed of light) Warp 3 is 3^3 of Warp 1 (27 speed of light) Warp 4 is 4^3 of Warp 1 (64 speed of light) So on.. Maximum is Warp 9.9