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Scenario Driven API Design (CodeByTheSea)

Ivo Jansch
November 03, 2015

Scenario Driven API Design (CodeByTheSea)

Presented at Code By The Sea on November 3, 2015

Ivo Jansch

November 03, 2015

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  1. http://www.egeniq.com info@egeniq.com @egeniq Code By The Sea November 3, 2015

    Ivo Jansch Scenario Driven API Design Or: how to make more usable APIs
  2. About Me @ijansch Entreprenerd (@egeniq / @buildozerapp) App & Api

    Developer Author & Speaker Upcoming: 
 http://leanpub.com/nways Conference Organizer (@endpointcon / @mdevcon) 2
  3. A few months ago: “We have some issues. Can you

    fix our performance problem?” 5 An interesting, anonymous case
  4. REST API (PHP) Their design 6 SQL database Models Controllers

    Views /orders /products /orders/:id/products /products/:id etc
  5. Website (YUI) REST API (PHP) The design 7 SQL database

    Models Controllers Views API client Models Controllers Views
  6. What did a trace show? 1 dashboard page 26 API

    calls 124 objects passed between api and client 8
  7. Website (YUI based) REST API (PHP based) Problem 10 SQL

    database Models Controllers Views API client Models Controllers Views 1x 26x
  8. Website REST API Problem 11 SQL database THIN BUSINESS LOGIC

    Controllers Views API client THICK BUSINESS LOGIC Controllers Views
  9. Something went terribly wrong 12 SELECT * FROM order WHERE

    id = 2 orderBean.selectById(2) $orderModel->getOrder(2) http://api/orders/2 RESTful APIs
  10. Website REST API What if we add even more clients?

    14 SQL database THIN BUSINESS LOGIC Controllers Views API client THICK BUSINESS LOGIC Controllers Views Mobile Client?
  11. Important This is not a REST problem. REST is a

    great way to expose an API. 15
  12. Scenario Driven Design ‣1. Client analysis ‣Identify client needs ‣Usage

    scenarios ‣2. Service design ‣Optimal ways to service the client scenarios ‣3. Data modelling ‣Create data model to support the scenario’s ‣Low level and high level concepts ‣4. Interface design ‣REST/HAL etc. interface ‣Versioning, etc. 22
  13. Typical VOD features 25 My rented movies Featured movies Featured

    movie collections Recommendations Popular movies
  14. Would this work? ‣Data Driven: ‣GET /movies/:id ‣GET /tickets ‣GET

    /users/:id ‣Yes it would work ‣but we would easily get stuck with the ’26 api calls’ problem 26
  15. Scenario Driven Design ‣Identify all relevant scenarios: ‣Order a movie

    ‣Watch a movie ‣See list of my movies ‣Promote content on the home screen ‣See what’s available ‣Like/unlike movies ‣Interactions are platform-specific, scenarios usually aren’t. 27
  16. “Promote content on the home screen” ‣All clients should present,

    on their home screen, after login: ‣The user’s most recently rented movies ‣User specific recommendations ‣Movie top 20 ‣Featured movies 28
  17. Scenario Driven Design 30 Data Modeling API interface Specific/Generic Clients

    Service Design 2. Promote content on the home screen 1. ’home’ screen
  18. Scenario Driven Design 32 Data Modeling API interface Specific/Generic Clients

    Service Design 2. Promote content on the home screen 3. Movies, collections, banners 1. ’home’ screen
  19. Scenario Driven Design 33 Data Modeling API interface Specific/Generic Clients

    Service Design 2. Promote content on the home screen 3. Movies, collections, banners 4. /promoslots/home 1. ’home’ screen
  20. Consider scenario’s at the highest level ‣GET /users/@me/dashboard ‣High Level

    Scenario ‣Business Logic entirely API side ‣Important: find balance between generic and specific 35
  21. Wise Words ‣Eric S. Raymond: “Smart data and dumb code

    works a lot better than the other way around” (from: The Cathedral & The Bazaar) ‣In 2015 this means: 
 Smart APIs, dumb clients 36
  22. Client REST API Business Logic where it belongs 37 Data

    BUSINESS LOGIC Controllers Views API client Controllers Views Look mum, no business logic!
  23. A word about tool vendors 41 Data Modeling Interface Design

    Specific/Generic Clients Service Design db vendor space (commoditised ~ 16 years ago) api tool vendor space (to be commoditised) you