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logstash - devopsfinland

logstash - devopsfinland

Ramez Hanna

April 25, 2014

More Decks by Ramez Hanna

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  1. input { redis { host => "" data_type => "list"

    key => "logstash" message_format => "json_event" } } filter { ## drop unneeded logs # DHCP client if [program] =~ 'DHCP' or [program] =~ 'dhclient' { drop{ } } # start tagging logs # ansible if [program] =~ "ansible" { mutate { add_tag => "ansible" } }
  2. ## start parsing the actual log for information # access­log

    if 'access­log' in [tags] { grok { match => ["message", '%{IPORHOST:clientIP} %{USER:ident} %{USER:auth} \[% {HTTPDATE:nginxTimeStamp}\] "%{WORD:verb} %{URIPATHPARAM:request} HTTP/% {NUMBER:httpVersion}" %{NUMBER:responseCode} (?:%{NUMBER:bytes}|­) (?:"(?:% {URI:referrer}|­)"|%{QS:referrer}) %{QS:agent} %{BASE10NUM:logTime} % {BASE10NUM:requestDuration} "%{GREEDYDATA:sslClientDn}"' ] } } #parse vpn if 'vpn' in [tags] { grok { match => ["message", '%{IPORHOST:clientIP}:%{POSINT} \[%{WORD:user}\] Peer Connection Initiated with \[AF_INET\]'] add_tag => 'vpnlogin' } } #geoip all clientIP fields geoip { add_tag => 'geoip' source => 'clientIP' } }
  3. output { #elasticsearch { # embedded => false # bind_host

    => "" # max_inflight_requests => "2000" # port => "9300" #} elasticsearch_http { host => "" }
  4. Output { if "access­log" in [tags] { if [request] =~

    "login" { statsd { host => "" port => 8125 namespace => "holvi_com" sender => "%{logsource}" increment => "login" } } statsd { host => "" port => 8125 namespace => "holvi_com" sender => "%{logsource}" increment => "response.%{responseCode}" timing => [ "ResponseTime", "%{requestDuration}" ] count => [ "bytes", "%{bytes}" ] } }