A Productive Friction? The Interaction between Data & Theory in the Study of Cultural Transmission, Innovation, & Cultural Evolution in the Paleolithic
Gilbert Tostevin
Department of Anthropology,
University of Minnesota
the Study of Cultural Transmission, Innovation, & Cultural Evolution in the Paleolithic Gilbert Tostevin D f A h l Department of Anthropology, University of Minnesota, [email protected] @ New data –old theories: the future of theorizing about innovation in complex adaptive systems in complex adaptive systems. At INSITE & ECLT, Venice, Italy May 5-8, 2014
C. Anderson, & J. R. Arnold 1949 Age determination b 1949 Age determination by radiocarbon content: Worldwide assay of natural radiocarbon. Science 109: 227-228.
of yp gy retouched tools: Index fossils Typology of technology (reduction sequence or chaîne ? sequence or chaîne opératoire) ? ? ? Distribution of raw materials Quantitative typology of 6 raw materials yp gy retouched tools ?
tools do not have genes ” Stone tools do not have genes. A famous and influential physical anthropologist, t th P l th l S i t M ti at the Paleoanthropology Society Meetings, Honolulu, April 1-2, 2013.
d has the full-bodied, emic experience of delivering the blow delivering the blow in a coordinated split-second action p Etic perspective Emic perspective p p
as well as the archaeologist. Eti lt Etic results are measurable by the archaeologist and archaeologist and can serve as proxies for what the observer saw.
cultures: (BACT) to all material cultures: A Two-Part Approach 1 Observational Learning of Knapping Choices: 1. Observational Learning of Knapping Choices: − Which emic choices of the artisan are visible as etic observations by the learner? − Which observations of the learner are also etically observable by the archaeologist? 2. How does dual inheritance work in foraging societies?: 2. How does dual inheritance work in foraging societies?: − Where and when are foragers enculturated? − Where and when do they witness technological performances that affect their adoption of performances that affect their adoption of technological choices? − What is the structure by which individuals encounter their Inclusive Inheritance (in NCT terms)?
the Assemblage Blank Production Choices at the Assemblage Level • Platform Maintenance: Platform Treatment E terior Platform Angle Tactical choices for each flake Exterior Platform Angle Platform Thickness • Dorsal Surface Convexity: L th/ idth ti L it di l t t f th f d Tactical choices for each flake Strategic choices for each core Length/width ratio: Longitudinal extent of the surface removed Width/thickness ratio: Vertical convexity of the mass removed Lateral edge type: Longitudinal shape of the surface C i b f d l id d fi i h i Cross-section type: Number of dorsal ridges defining the convexity Profile type: Curvature of the core surface removed • Core Modification: Core Orientation: extant core morphology Core Convexity Management: refits, diagnostic reparations. • Direction of Core Exploitation: (the only true “sequence model” aspect) Early Exploitation: Dorsal scar patterns of debitage vs. blank length. Late Exploitation: Dorsal scar patterns of debitage vs. blank length.
Visible at the assemblage level • Laminarity (length/width ratio) of tools. • Vertical Convexity (width/thickness). L l Ed T • Lateral Edge Type • Distal Terminus Type • Profile Type • Profile Type • Unique Retouch Type(s) • Tool Types: MP or UP dominated yp Importance of comparability given intensity of Importance of comparability given intensity of core reduction and tool exhaustion.
G l d di l transmission event during Greenland Interstadial 14-12 (52-48ka calBP). A weak wave of Levantine hominins (modern or Neanderthal) before the Early Aurignacian & Proto-Aurignacian
ti b fit f th t it What caused the spread of the Bohunician adaptive benefit of the trait of the Bohunician Behavioral Package? Recognition in g specific regions Indirect biased transmission due to coattail effect on the pro effect on the proxy
form Existing Artifact/Trait indirect biased transmission “A” “X” transmission New neutral Adaptive New neutral Artifact form “B” carried by il ff Time 2 Adaptive Benefit of new if / i indirect biased transmission coattail effect from Y Artifact/Trait “Y”
Fig.1). Generative Entrenchment, Modularity and Evolvability: When Genic Selection meets the Whole Organism. In, G. Schlosser and G Wagner, eds., Modularity in Development and Evolution, 2004, Chicago: U Chicago Press, pp. 359-394.
retouch (particularly backing & microburin) accesses microburin) accesses novel morphospace Morphological space of Blanks chosen for of Blanks chosen for the toolkit
your attention! Cl A d Ch l U i i f T h l Claes Andersson, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden William Wimsatt University of Chicago USA William Wimsatt, University of Chicago, USA. Gilliane Monnier, University of Minnesota, USA. Kimberlee Newman & Mark Moore, University of New Kimberlee Newman & Mark Moore, University of New England, Australia Petr Škrdla, Institute of Archaeology, Czech Republic Daniel Richter, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany