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Urban games & fictional worlds

Urban games & fictional worlds

Urban games & fictional worlds
Definitions and contemporary reflections

Insite Project

April 15, 2014

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  1. Each game narrates something Chess Twe armies are facing on

    the battleground and you have to conquest the rival king Super Mario - Nintendo Mario has to save a friend fighting against enemies and overcoming obstacles September 12 - Newsgaming You have to fight terrorists and cope with civilian casualties in the war on terror
  2. Each narration/game is clearly a system based on at least

    one artificial conflict Conflict
  3. A metaphore defined as a set of boundaries, namely space

    and time Magic circle + sociality considering games
  4. A deep immersion in an activity that leads to a

    momentary detachment from the real world Immersion
  5. A ritualistic contract that asks the narratee/player to trust and

    believe in the narrator/game system and the fictional world Trust agreement
  6. The logical and consistent connection among the elments of the

    fictional world coherency and consistency
  7. conflict fictional world magic circle immersion trust agreement coherency and

    consistency Games and narratives’ common elements
  8. conflict fictional world magic circle immersion trust agreement coherency and

    consistency Meaningful differences Games and narratives’ common elements
  9. conflict fictional world magic circle immersion trust agreement coherency and

    consistency decisions Meaningful differences Games and narratives’ common elements
  10. conflict fictional world magic circle immersion trust agreement coherency and

    consistency decisions experience Meaningful differences Games and narratives’ common elements
  11. conflict fictional world magic circle immersion trust agreement coherency and

    consistency decisions experience social aspects Meaningful differences Games and narratives’ common elements
  12. conflict fictional world magic circle immersion trust agreement coherency and

    consistency Games and narratives’ common elements
  13. conflict fictional world magic circle immersion trust agreement coherency and

    consistency Accepted blurring Expansions allowed Game
  14. They combine stories and puzzles with city spaces Pervasive Urban

    Game They put together a story from fragments
  15. They combine stories and puzzles with city spaces M. Montola,

    J. Stenros, A. Waern, Pervasive Games, 2009, p. 42. Pervasive Urban Game They put together a story from fragments
  16. How to identify players?? Identity objects such as wearable profiles

    can be useful to distinguish players and their role
  17. ! How are players socially configured? ! In urban games

    players can assume 4 main social configurations
  18. Mobile urban games are well suited to pursue the four

    social configurations Gaming Mobile
  19. contents on the go wireless communication context awareness Encompass three

    core technologies for urban gaming Devices Mobile
  20. direct social engagement mediated social engagement individual interactions are networked

    individual interaction passive condition WE Adapted from N. Simon (2009) The participatory museum ME
  21. Personal Social Vs. and ! A personal device, in a

    game setting, can foster social engagement and molecularisation
  22. The most di used technological devices provide real time access

    to contextual contents and information Localized Globalized Vs. and