+ functional. Mature (first release in 2004). Widely adopted now (Twitter, Apple, Foursquare, Coursera, LinkedIn, Meetup.com, Airbnb, Zalando, SoundCloud, Morgan Stanley, Sberbank, Tinkoff Bank, Raiffeisen bank, QIWI, etc.) Lightbend and Scala Center (EPFL). Scala scala-lang.org
(safer applications) + type inference. Powerful syntax + macroses - less code a DSLs. Concurrent programming - futures, actors, etc. Functional programming (not mandatory). Good standard library + all the JVM world via interop. Easy programming with immutable values (including collections).
can use most of Scala and Java standard libraries. Plus specially prepared Scala libraries (rebuilt with Scala.js). Plus JavaScript interop (including type-safe facades). Google Closure compiler for optimization/minification. 150-400 Kb of constant overhead (but remember that you won’t need some additional JS libraries you normally use, e.g. lodash, immutable.js).