pair. You may need to touch your authenticator to authorize key generation. Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/izawa/.ssh/id_ed25519_sk): ./abc Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in ./abc Your public key has been saved in ./ The key fingerprint is: SHA256:i6VKPEtPlunUwt4v8DnVzITGtoYyOobrZYe+2a9mbzQ izawa@Yukimitsu-no-iMac.local The key's randomart image is: +[ED25519-SK 256]-+ | | | | | . . | | = . | | S+ * | | . o+BE.+ + | | .O.%*o= | | .*+#oo* | | .oo*=*=++. | +----[SHA256]-----+ ~/Dropbox/勉強会資料 Yukimitsu-no-iMac: izawa % ls abc* abc ύεϑϨʔζೖྗ
key ED25519-SK SHA256:e7hxJuLIsnTYF+OA7E1cidd(略 User presence confirmed Last login: Mon Dec 5 13:02:12 2022 from izawa@ssh-server:~$ ͜͜ͰࢦΛεΩϟϯ