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API server/client development using JSON Schema...

API server/client development using JSON Schema #kanrk06

関西Ruby会議06 講演資料

Masayuki Izumi

July 11, 2015

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  1. Ƅ Rekimoto Lab. at the University of Tokyo (2008-2015: Akashi-NCT)

    Ɠ Enginner at Wantedly, Inc. (2014.9-2015.2: Dmetlabel, Inc.) 2
  2. Q: What does it do? JSON Schema ってなにすんの? A: It

    describes your JSON data format[1] . JSON のフォーマット記述するやつやで. [1] http://json-schema.org/ 8 API sever/client development using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06
  3. What is JSON Schema ? 9 API sever/client development using

    JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 * Defines structure of JSON data - JSON Schema Core * Provides structual validation - JSON Schema Validation * Defines hyper{text,media} related things - JSON Hyper Schema
  4. title: User properties: email: description: email address type: string name:

    description: user name type: string { "email": "syaro@example.com", "name": "Syaro Kirima" } e.g. JSON Schema Core 10 API sever/client development using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06
  5. title: User properties: email: description: email address type: string name:

    description: user name type: string { "email": "syaro@example.com", "name": "Syaro Kirima" } e.g. JSON Schema Core 11 API sever/client development using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06
  6. title: User properties: email: description: email address type: string name:

    description: user name type: string { "email": "syaro@example.com", "name": "Syaro Kirima" } e.g. JSON Schema Core 12 API sever/client development using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 7 primitive types: array, boolean, integer, number, null, object, string
  7. title: User properties: email: description: email address type: string format:

    email name: description: user name type: string maxLength: 32 required: - email - name { "email": "syaro@example.com", "name": "Syaro Kirima" } e.g. JSON Schema Validation 13 API sever/client development using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06
  8. title: User properties: email: description: email address type: string format:

    email name: description: user name type: string maxLength: 32 required: - email - name { "email": "syaro@example.com", "name": "Syaro Kirima" } e.g. JSON Schema Validation 14 API sever/client development using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06
  9. title: User properties: email: description: email address type: string format:

    email name: description: user name type: string maxLength: 32 required: - email - name { "email": "syaro@example.com", "name": "Syaro Kirima" } e.g. JSON Schema Validation 15 API sever/client development using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 Defined validation keywords: maximum, maxLength, pattern, maxItems, enum, allOf, anyOf, definitions, ...
  10. title: User links: - href: "/api/users" method: GET rel: instances

    title: List properties: # define some properties [ { "email": "cocoa@example.com", "name": "Cocoa Hoto" }, { "email": "syaro@example.com", "name": "Syaro Kirima" } ] e.g. JSON Hyper-Schema 16 API sever/client development using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06
  11. title: User links: - href: "/api/users" method: GET rel: instances

    title: List properties: # define some properties [ { "email": "cocoa@example.com", "name": "Cocoa Hoto" }, { "email": "syaro@example.com", "name": "Syaro Kirima" } ] e.g. JSON Hyper-Schema 17 API sever/client development using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 response body from `GET /api/users`
  12. title: User links: - href: "/api/users" method: POST rel: craete

    schema: properties: name: "$ref": "#/properties/name" title: Create properties: # define some properties e.g. JSON Hyper-Schema 18 API sever/client development using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06
  13. title: User links: - href: "/api/users" method: POST rel: craete

    schema: properties: name: "$ref": "#/properties/name" title: Create properties: # define some properties e.g. JSON Hyper-Schema 19 API sever/client development using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 JSON Schema(subschema) for request parameter
  14. title: User links: - href: "/api/users" method: POST rel: craete

    schema: properties: name: "$ref": "#/properties/name" title: Create properties: # define some properties e.g. JSON Hyper-Schema 20 API sever/client development using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 "$ref": "#/foo/bar" JSON Reference[2] #/foo/bar JSON Pointer[3] [2] http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pbryan-zyp-json-ref-03 [3] http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901
  15. title: User links: - href: "/api/users/{(%23%2Fproperties%2Fname)}" method: GET rel: instance

    title: self properties: # define some properties e.g. JSON Hyper-Schema 21 API sever/client development using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06
  16. title: User links: - href: "/api/users/{(%23%2Fproperties%2Fname)}" method: GET rel: instance

    title: self properties: # define some properties e.g. JSON Hyper-Schema 22 API sever/client development using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 "/foo/bar/{(%23baz)}" URI Template[4] [4] http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570
  17. できること その① Validate request parameters 24 API sever/client development using

    JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 client server POST /api/posts { "body": " 大阪なう ", "user_id": 1 } user_idイラネ
  18. できること その② Validate API response body 25 API sever/client development

    using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 client server POST /api/posts { "body": " 大阪なう " } レスポンスの形式間違ってるから 500
  19. できること その③ Generate API client 26 API sever/client development using

    JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 JSON Schema json js rb java d.ts API client Generate !
  20. できること その④ Generate API document 27 API sever/client development using

    JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 JSON Schema json API document Generate !
  21. What can JSON Schema do ? 28 API sever/client development

    using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 * Validates request parameter - rack-json_schema が便利 * Validates response body - rack-json_schema が便利 * Generates API client - いろんな言語,環境に存在 * Generates API document - prmd, jdoc がいい感じ
  22. What can JSON Schema do ? 29 API sever/client development

    using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 * Validates request parameter * Validates response body * Generates API client * Generates API document \ Strong Parameter でいいじゃん / \ テスト書いてたらいらないじゃん / \ API の変更あったらどうすんの /
  23. 33 API sever/client development using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby

    会議 06 突然ですが… Ruby のイケてるところ といえば?
  24. 34 API sever/client development using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby

    会議 06 突然ですが… Ruby のイケてるところ といえば? テストの書きやすさ ですよね? [ 要出典 ]
  25. JSON Schema の 一番イケてる使い方 テスト支援ツールとしての JSON Schema 35 API sever/client

    development using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 client server JSON Schema json response validation mock API
  26. JSON Schema の 一番イケてる使い方 テスト支援ツールとしての JSON Schema 36 API sever/client

    development using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 client server JSON Schema json response validation mock API
  27. JSON Schema の 一番イケてる使い方 テスト支援ツールとしての JSON Schema 37 API sever/client

    development using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 client server JSON Schema json response validation mock API
  28. JSON Schema の 一番イケてる使い方 テスト支援ツールとしての JSON Schema 38 API sever/client

    development using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 client server JSON Schema (fixed) json response validation mock API
  29. JSON Schema の 一番イケてる使い方 テスト支援ツールとしての JSON Schema 39 API sever/client

    development using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 client server JSON Schema (fixed) json response validation mock API
  30. JSON Schema の 一番イケてる使い方 テスト支援ツールとしての JSON Schema 40 API sever/client

    development using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 client server (fixed) JSON Schema (fixed) json response validation mock API
  31. JSON Schema の 一番イケてる使い方 テスト支援ツールとしての JSON Schema 41 API sever/client

    development using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 client (fixed) server (fixed) JSON Schema (fixed) json response validation mock API
  32. その他 JSON Schema じょうほう 43 API sever/client development using JSON

    Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 * Ruby 界隈は JSON Schema がわりと盛ん - Heroku さん Increments さんありがとうございます - おもしろ gem やイイ感じの知見が多い
  33. その他 JSON Schema じょうほう 44 API sever/client development using JSON

    Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 * JS 界隈は… - JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)とは何だったのか - 自分で node module 作るハメになった - json-schema-parser / json-schema-mockifier - 僕の屍を越えて行ってください
  34. Write JSON Schema in YAML 46 API sever/client development using

    JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 # -y: yaml として出力 $ prmd init -y User > doc/schemata/user.yml $ prmd init -y Post > doc/schemata/post.yml # 1 つの .json に結合 $ prmd combine --meta doc/meta.yml -o doc/schema.json doc/schemata interagent/prmd
  35. Write JSON Schema in DSL 48 API sever/client development using

    JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 r7kamura/json_world Ruby の DSL で Schema が定義できる type に JsonWorld なクラスを渡せる ($ref からの脱却!!)
  36. Why JSON Schema ? 50 API sever/client development using JSON

    Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 KEYWORDS = [ "microservices", "mobile first", "SPA" ]
  37. Why JSON Schema ? 52 API sever/client development using JSON

    Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 API Mock json JSON Schema
  38. Why JSON Schema ? 53 API sever/client development using JSON

    Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 API Mock json JSON Schema
  39. Conclusion - Why JSON Schema ? 54 API sever/client development

    using JSON Schema - 関西 Ruby 会議 06 JSON Schema の価値 - API をモック化することでボトルネックにならない - ちゃんとテスト回せば変更にも強い - クライアント側もちゃんとテスト書こう! - 実装に JSON Schema という " 制約 " をつける