keep important application state or functionality near the root while delegating risky operations towards the leaves. - Reactive Design Patterns ๏ εʔύʔϏδϣϯώΤϥϧΩʔͰɺةݥͳ࡞ۀΛώΤϥϧΩʔͷʹҕৡ͢Δͱಉ࣌ʹɺ ϧʔτۙ͘ʹॏཁͳΞϓϦέʔγϣϯঢ়ଶػೳΛҡ࣋͢Δ ๏ ͜ͷύλʔϯɺ&SMBOHͰेʹΘཱͨͬͯ֬͞Ε͍ͯΔɻ Jonas Bonerࢯ LightBendࣾCTO ͕AkkaΛ࣮͢ΔͨΊͷओͳΠϯεϐϨʔγϣϯͷͭ ग़య: Reactive Design Patterns, Jonas Boner, Dr. Roland Kuhn, Brian Hanafee, Jamie Allen
restart to internal failure handling. - Reactive Design Patterns ๏ ෦ΤϥʔϋϯυϦϯάΑΓɺશͳίϯϙʔωϯτ࠶ىಈΛਪ͢Δɻ ‣ ෦Τϥʔ͔Βͷճ෮͢Δػߏɺނোͨ͠෦ΛेʹͰ͖ͳ͍ɻ ίϯϙʔωϯτ෦ͷ͕ͯ͢োʹΑͬͯӨڹΛड͚ΔՄೳੑ͕͋Δ ‣ εʔύʔόΠβʹোͷରԠҕ͠ɺγεςϜͷҰ෦Λ࠶ىಈͯ͠෮چ͢Δ ‣ ֊తͳ࠶ىಈϕʔεͷোॲཧʹΑΓɺোϞσϧΛେ෯ʹ؆ૉԽͰ͖Δɻ ·ͨɺ༧ظ͠ͳ͍োʹૺ۰ͯ͠ੜ͖ΔՄೳੑ͕૿͢ ग़య: Reactive Design Patterns, Jonas Boner, Dr. Roland Kuhn, Brian Hanafee, Jamie Allen
࣮ࡍʹɺΞϓϦέʔγϣϯ༻ͷΞΫλʔVTFSHVBSEJBOԼʹॴଐ͢Δ Application Orders Products Users Order Product User Supervisor ActorSystem("OderSystem") / system user “root guardian” “user guardian” “the one who works the bubbles of space-time” “system guardian” your actor hierarchy sys support hierarchy shutdown order ग़య: - Supervision and Monitoring