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Behaviour Driven Development

James Cowie
November 04, 2014

Behaviour Driven Development

An introduction into Agile, User stories, Cynefin framework BDD, PHPSpec and Behat

James Cowie

November 04, 2014

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  1. Who am I • James Cowie • Software Engineer •

    Session Digital • BDD Practitioner • @jcowie • github.com/jamescowie
  2. Introducing BDD “Software development practice that emphasises development through an

    example-based conversations with users and stakeholders of the system.“
  3. Introducing BDD “Software development practice that emphasises development through an

    example-based conversations with users and stakeholders of the system.“
  4. Evolution / Process of BDD • Inspired by eXtreme programming

    and Agile • Example workshops • User stories • Story mapping
  5. What is BDD • Evolved from Test-first development • Common

    language • Behaviour • Discovering and delivery what matters most first
  6. As a Zoologist I want to add a new animal

    to the site So that I can share my animal knowledge with the community Scenario: successful submission Given I'm on the animal creation page When I fill in Name with 'Alligator' And select Phylum as 'Chordata' And fill in Animal Class with 'Sauropsida' And check Lay Eggs And click the Create button Then I should see the notice 'Thank you for your animal submission!' And the page should include the animal's name, phylum, animal class, order, family, and
  7. As a Zoologist I want to add a new animal

    to the site So that I can share my animal knowledge with the community Scenario: successful submission Given I'm on the animal creation page When I add a new animal Then I should see the page for my newly created animal And the notice 'Thank you for your animal submission!'
  8. Given I am trying to do something When I make

    an action on it Then I expect something in return
  9. { "require-dev": { "phpspec/phpspec": "2.*", "behat/behat": "3.*" }, "autoload": {

    “psr-0": {"": "src/"} }, "config": { "bin-dir": "bin" } }
  10. Feature: I can calculate string values As a user I

    want to be able to calculate the sum of two strings. Scenario: Returns 0 when no string values are passed Given the current value to calculate is " " When I calculate the sum Then the sum value for " " is zero
  11. class FeatureContext implements Context, SnippetAcceptingContext { protected $value; /** *

    @Given the current value to calculate is :value */ public function theCurrentValueToCalculateIs($value) { $this->value = $value; }
  12. /** * @When I calculate the sum */ public function

    iCalculateTheSum() { $output = (new Acme\Calculator())->calculate($this->value); } /** * @Then the sum value for :arg1 is zero */ public function theSumValueForIsZero($arg1) { expect($this->output)->toBe(0); }
  13. Scenario: Returns 0 when no string values are passed Given

    the current value to calculate is " " When I calculate the sum Then the sum value for " " is zero --- Failed scenarios: features/feature-file.feature:5
  14. Scenario: Returns 0 when no string values are passed Given

    the current value to calculate is " " When I calculate the sum Then the sum value for " " is zero
  15. Scenario: Returns the number if only a single number is

    passed Given the current value to calculate is "1" When I calculate the sum Then the sum value for "1" is one
  16. Fail Then the sum value for "1" is one Expected

    <value>"1"</value>, but got <value>[integer:0]</value>
  17. public function calculate($number) { if ($number == " " )

    { return 0; } else { return (int)$number; } }
  18. phpspec r --format=pretty Acme\Calculator 10 ✔ is initializable 15 ✔

    should return zero when empty string is passed 20 ✔ should return the number for single number Feature: I can calculate string values As a user I want to be able to calculate the sum of two strings. Scenario: Returns 0 when no string values are passed Given the current value to calculate is " “ When I calculate the sum Then the sum value for " " is zero Scenario: Returns the number if only a single number is passed Given the current value to calculate is “1" When I calculate the sum Then the sum value for "1" is one