Regarding the Formulation of the Clocks. This Presentation explains how the Horoscorpio Clocks give benefits to the Physical elite, such as sportsmen, with the Fine tuning of the Flux Controls.
and set in place routines. The many benefits to sportsmen are in attaining synchrony with the movement of the planets. Harnessing the momentum, is not like running with or against the wind. Working with the complex polarities of the electro- magnetic Solar System, are detailed physical benefits of Horoscorpio Clocks. Monday, 4 February 2013
PERCENTAGE MARGINS AGAINST EACH PLANETARY OBJECT INDIVIDUALLY ALLOWS USERS TO CHOOSE MARGINS WITHIN THE 5 SETS FOR EACH PLANET ORDINATE REGULARITY TO THE FLUX CONTROLS The Flux & Orb Categorizations The 5 Sets are according to either possible dispositions of the fortitudes within the Planets, by Physical Properties such as Mass. Monday, 4 February 2013
CONSERVATIVE STANDARD The 5 Sets are conveyable for 5 different ORB routines as well as 5 different FLUX routines. These have analogous fortitude likewise. EQUALITY Monday, 4 February 2013
5 × 1024 kg 0.815 Earths Mean density 5.204 g/cm3 Equatorial surface gravity 8.87 m/s2 0.904 g Escape velocity 10.46 km/s Sidereal rotation period -243.018 5 day FACTORS FOR FLUX ALTERATION ARE MANY, THE VARIETY OF PROPERTIES EACH PLANET CONTAINS RESULTS IN THE DIFFERENCE OF CHANGE ITS PRESENCE EQUATES WITHIN ANY GIVEN ASPECT MODALITY THE KEEN USER AND PROFESSIONAL WILL ADJUST THE PARAMETERS AS THEY SEE FIT, IN ORDER THAT THEIR PROVISIONING TOWARDS THE ARCHETYPES IS CONGRUENT WITH THEIR DEMOGRAPHICAL SEGMENTS OF CHOICE URANUS Volume 6.833 × 1013 km³[5][c] 63.086 Earths Mass (8.6810 ± 0.0013) × 1025 kg 14.536 Earths[9] GM=5 793 939 ± 13 km³/s² Mean density 1.27 g/cm³[5][c] Equatorial surface gravity 8.69 m/s²[5][c] 0.886 g Escape velocity 21.3 km/s[5][c] Sidereal rotation period –0.718 33 day 17 h 14 min 24 s[7] Monday, 4 February 2013
± 0.0013) × 1025 kg 14.536 Earths[9] GM=5 793 939 ± 13 km³/s² Set Flux Margins In Order that a equal provision be cast between two planets the 5 Elective divisions are orientated around margins accorded by predominate physical characteristics. i.e. the ‘Standard’ Flux elective, equates for the actual Mass of the Planetary Bodies and distributes the Flux ratio in proportion. EQUALITY Mass Monday, 4 February 2013