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CSC305 Lecture 05

CSC305 Lecture 05

Individual Software Design and Development

Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez

October 01, 2024

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  1. Dr. Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez [email protected] www.javiergs.info o ffi ce: 14 -227

    CSC 305 Individual Software Design and Development Lecture 05. Logging
  2. Logging • Recording events, a ctions, or mess a ges

    th a t occur during the execution of a progr a m. • Proper logging is essenti a l for m a int a ining a nd troubleshooting a pplic a tions e ff ectively throughout their lifecycle. 12
  3. SLF4J Logback • St a nds for Simple Logging F

    a c a de for J a v a • It provides a uni f ied interf a ce for logging oper a tions, a llowing developers to write logging code without binding their a pplic a tion to a speci f ic logging implement a tion. • We need to t a lk a bout the F a c a de P a ttern 14
  4. We want this 20 message 01 message 02 message 03

    message 04 message 05 trace() debug() info () warn () error() Logger 20
  5. Resources Folder • The resources folder in a M a

    ven project stores non-source-code f iles th a t your a pplic a tion needs, such a s con f igur a tion f iles, property f iles, im a ges, a nd other resources. • These f iles a re included in the f in a l build output a nd a v a il a ble on the cl a ssp a th a t runtime. 22
  6. src/main/resources/logback.xml • logb a ck.xml is a con f igur

    a tion f ile for SLF4J Logb a ck. • It de f ines how logging should be h a ndled, including log levels, a ppenders (where logs a re written), a nd log form a ts. • When your a pplic a tion st a rts, SLF4J Logb a ck a utom a tic a lly looks for this con f igur a tion f ile. 23
  7. ConsoleAppender 24 message 01 message 02 message 03 message 04

    message 05 trace() debug() info () warn () error() Logger 24 Appender
  8. ConsoleAppender 27 message 01 message 02 message 03 message 04

    message 05 trace() debug() info () warn () error() Logger 27 Appender
  9. Logstash Logback Encoder | POM.xml • Let’s use a nother

    libr a ry to t a ke a dv a nt a ge of extr a encoders • form a t Spring Boot logs in JSON form a t 29 https://github.com/CSC3100/Tool-Logging
  10. Next 33 trace() debug() info () warn () error() message

    01 message 02 message 03 message 04 message 05 Logger Appender Appender
  11. Full Solution 36 trace() debug() info () warn () error()

    message 01 message 02 message 03 message 04 message 05 Logger Appender Appender Appender
  12. Logger 39 a) Review (and reuse as needed) my code

    from https://github.com/CSC3100/Tool-Logging b) Include logging elements into your Tic-Tac-Toe code ( try trace/debug and warn/error ) c) Print to screen and save logs on a File.
  13. CSC 305 Individual Software Design and Development Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez, Ph.D.

    [email protected] Summer 2024 Copyright. These slides can only be used as study material for the class CSC305 at Cal Poly. They cannot be distributed or used for another purpose.