ex a m is comprehensive, encomp a ssing a ll course m a teri a ls. This review covers only a subset of topics. Import a nt: • Ensure you review a ll lecture slides a nd course m a teri a ls. • The following slides include ex a mples rel a ted to selected topics. • This is NOT a n exh a ustive list of ex a m topics. 4
a d a ble, m a int a in a ble, a nd follows principles like SRP, DRY, a nd DI. • Be re a dy to a nswer multiple-choice teoretic a l questions • Be re a dy to a pply them on open-questions (coding) • Apply these in your Fin a l Project. 11
J a v a . • M a ven simpli f ies dependency m a n a gement by a utom a tic a lly downlo a ding required libr a ries a nd their dependencies using a project object model (POM) f ile. • Students were t a sked with running a n ex a mple a nd re f lecting on whether the ex a mples a lign with cle a n coding principles. 16
for recording events a nd mess a ges during a progr a m’s execution • Using SLF4J with Logb a ck • Log levels (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR) • Utilizing ConsoleAppender a nd FileAppender • You h a ve integr a ted logging into their Tic-T a c-Toe project. Ex a mples a nd reus a ble code were provided through our GitHub repository. 21
________________________ ? • Type B. Program the following in an standard way: “A Dashboard show information about stock prices; prices are available to be downloaded from a broker (postal office). A Genius need access to the stock prices to calculate good investment recommendations” 30
javiergs@calpoly.edu Summer 2024 Copyright. These slides can only be used as study material for the class CSC305 at Cal Poly. They cannot be distributed or used for another purpose.