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Refactoring Planning for Design Smell Correctio...

Javier Pérez
September 24, 2013

Refactoring Planning for Design Smell Correction: Summary, Opportunities and Lessons Learned

Complex refactoring processes, such as applying big refactorings or removing design smells are difficult to perform in practice. The complexity of these processes is partly due to their heuristic nature and to the constraints imposed by preconditions on the applicability of the individual refactorings. Developers have to find out manually how to apply a complex refactoring “recipe”, from a refactoring book, for each particular situation. In a PhD thesis, we developed an approach for tackling this problem. We described how to better write refactoring “recipes” (Refactoring Strategies) and how to compute, from them, the precise refactoring sequences for each particular situation (Refactoring Plans). Our proposal introduced, for the first time, the use of automated planning for this kind of software engineering problems. This paper presents a short summary of that PhD thesis and discuss the future work, open questions, new research opportunities arisen and the lessons learned from it. Presented at ICSM 2013 (http://icsm2013.tue.nl).

Javier Pérez

September 24, 2013

More Decks by Javier Pérez

Other Decks in Research


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  11. Refactoring Planning Domain ✤ 3 Refactoring Strategies: ✦ for removing

    design smells ‣ Remove Data Class and Remove Feature Envy ✦ for applying a complex refactoring ‣ Move Method ✤ 9 Refactorings: ✦ Encapsulate Field, Move Method, Rename Method, Rename Field, Rename Parameter, Rename Local Variable, Remove Field, Remove Method and Remove Class. ✤ > 150 system queries: Crowsourcing development knowledge: !! ! ! ! ! ! ! Mining Refactoring Strategies Tuesday 24 September 13
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    ! ! Mining Refactoring Strategies Tuesday 24 September 13
  13. V1 ... Vn Refactoring Finder Smell Finder Strategy Miner Refactoring

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  14. V1 ... Vn Refactoring Finder Smell Finder Strategy Miner Refactoring

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  15. Opportunities and Future Work • Automated planning for other task

    scheduling problems in Software Reengineering • Composite Refactoring Detection • Model Inconsistencies Removal Resolving model inconsistencies using automated regression planning; Pinna-Puissant et.al., 2013 Identifying composite refactorings with a scripting language; Huang et.al., 2011 Tuesday 24 September 13
  16. Lessons Learned - technical • There is a need to

    implement big refactorings • Try not to automate too much • Big refactorings should be implemented “empirically” - with recipes • Reasoning should be done with the full AST information Tuesday 24 September 13
  17. Lessons Learned - general • Invest enough time to find

    and define a realistic, relevant and feasible problem • Ask the experts • Research stays are a great investment • Writing helps a lot settling things down • Persevere! Tuesday 24 September 13
  18. September 24th 2013 - ICSM 2013 - Doctoral Symposium -

    Postdoctoral session Javier Pérez Refactoring Planning for Design Smell Correction: Summary, Opportunities and Lessons Learned Tuesday 24 September 13