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The innovator Mindset – Tribe Medical October 2024

The innovator Mindset – Tribe Medical October 2024

The speed of change around us is now dizzying.

Technology, markets, customers, competitors, employees, etc.; nothing escapes! To survive, we are all condemned to adapt, innovate and transform ourselves continuously.

At this conference, I would like to humbly share with you my experience as a leader and privileged witness to the titanic transformation of La Presse and the creation of its innovative products: the digital edition for La Presse+ tablets, the Mobile app and its "Mobile first" creation tools in order to give you leads - I hope - that will inspire you to find innovative solutions to your challenges of tomorrow.

A look back at this grandiose human adventure to share with you experiences and learnings to succeed - together - in this ever-changing world.

Thank to Hugues Boivin for the kindly invitation
Working document

Jean-Marc De Jonghe

October 14, 2024

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  2. @madmac 2 • Medias — 1995 • La Presse —

    2003 • VP Digital Product & Strategy — 2010 • Led La Presse’s digital transformation, creation of La Presse+ and our award wining Mobile App Jean-Marc De Jonghe VP Digital Product & Strategy
  3. 15 The speed of change is accelerating Impact of changes

    Analog PC Computer 1884 1990 Internet 2000 2010 2020 Social AI https://www.digitaltransformationbook.com/the-speed-of-change-4-waves-of-digital-acceleration/ Mobile <- +100 yrs -> Cloud & big data
  4. 17 Traditional organization Digital & innovative organization There is a

    durable and reproducible recipe There is no sustainable recipe except adaptability and agility New World Old World A radical transformation
  5. 4,6 ★★★★★ 77k review No 6 - news and magazines

    350k/day 760k/month 275k/day 500k/month 4,6 ★★★★★ +100k review No 1 - news and magazines RESULTS
  6. 19 Daily Audience 2002 2012 2022 0 200 000 400

    000 600 000 800 000 1 000 000 1 200 000 375 275 470 350 30 230 255 Newsprint* Web** La Presse+ Mobile App Competitive advantages *Newsprint base on weekly average — 2000 *Web ComScore
  7. 25 Speed and impacts of change « We tend to

    overestimate what we can do in the near future and grossly underestimate what can be done in the distant future. This is because the human imagination extrapolates in a straight line, while real world events develop exponentially. (like compound interest) » – Arthur C. Clarke
  8. What actually happen 26 Results / performance Time Atomic Habits,

    James Clear What you think should happen A mirage Speed and impacts of change
  9. 33 The television of the future will be both the

    TV... ... and the studio so that everyone can create his own show! Imagine the TV of the future?
  10. 34

  11. @madmac Utilisateurs d'ordinateurs dans le monde (milliards) 35 0,5 G

    1,5 G 4,5 G 5 G iPhone From exciting to universal
  12. IMPERMANENCE The state or the fact of lasting only for

    a limited period of time There is a sustainable recipe and reproducible STANDARDIZATION There is no sustainable recipe otherwise that adaptability and agility ADAPTATION & EXPERIMENT
  13. What actually happen 43 Results / performance Time Atomic Habits,

    James Clear What you think should happen A mirage Speed and impacts of change We must prepare our organizations, our teams and ourselves for here
  14. •Change is now truly a constant process, not an event!

    • We are very bad at predicting it To remember
  15. 46 The difficulty « The difficulty lies not in the

    new ideas, but in escaping the old ones, which ramify, for those brought up as most of us have been, into every corner of our minds. » — John Maynard Keynes
  16. 51 « The greatest danger in times of turbulence is

    not turbulence itself, but to act with yesterday's logic » – Peter Drucker Speed and impacts of change
  17. @madmac 55 🐑 « Let the sheep piss! » Everyone

    has their own rhythm We start with those who are ready to give up their comfort zones Then we use them as ambassadors of change!
  18. @madmac 57 🦕 🐄 🦅 🐎 🦒 🦍 🐝 🐅

    🦇 🐘 🐇 🐛 🦆 🐌 Those who prefer complete, proven and risk-free solutions Those open to change And to the novelty From all walks of life Di ff erent from you Diversity & multidisciplinary = more points of view, more original solutions, fewer blind spots The early adopters as ambassadors of change chasm
  19. @madmac 58 innovation-adoption impact the big scary chasm 2,5% 13%

    innovators early adopters niche market 34% 34% 16% early majority late majority laggards mass market Crossing the Chasm (1991, revised 1999 and 2014), Geoffrey A. Moore The early adopters as ambassadors of change
  20. S2 Early majority S1 Innovators & early adopters S4 Laggards

    S3 Late majority LA PRESSE’S READERS IPAD OWNERS? No Yes Yes No L A P R E S S E + A C Q U I S I T I O N ST R AT E G I E S The early adopters as ambassadors of change
  21. Same strategy with your customers For your customers: how could

    you leverage your early adopters to influence the early and late majority?
  22. @madmac 65 Five years from now, over one- third of

    skills (35%) that are considered important in today’s workforce will have changed Disruption Source: Skills Revolution 2.0 - ManpowerGroup
  23. @madmac 66 Communication Collaborate Problem Solving Organization Customer Service Leadership

    Management 0 % 15 % 30 % 45 % 60 % 18 % 20 % 16 % 24 % 31 % 22 % 30 % 33 % 34 % 45 % 49 % 54 % 55 % 56 % Most valued Hardest to find Most Valued Soft Skills Are Hard To Find
  24. @madmac Unicorns No thank you ! When recruiting or building

    your dream team S K I L L S W I L L Soft Skills Hard Skills 67
  25. @madmac With time Relevant With time Obsolete S K I

    L L S W I L L Soft Skills Hard Skills 68 When recruiting or building your dream team
  26. @madmac 72 Recruiting What will my tasks be? What will

    be my conditions? Retirement program? I'm joining a beautiful company! Money 💰 and 🦺 security Past Making a good pay What will my team be? What will I contribute to? Training program? How will you use my talent? 📈 Impacts, contributions, learning, personal growth New world Making a di ff erence!
  27. @madmac 73 Evolution of work *Inspired de « future of

    work — workplace evolution » by Praveen Ponnuru Past New world Repeating and improving the same recipe Embrace change and innovation Skills and know-how Attitude and will Accumulate knowledge Creating and sharing knowledge Building on consensus and old success Experimentation, learning, data driven, customer proof Probe customers Observe users Silos and hierarchies Small multidisciplinary teams Control Con fi dence, supporting, autonomy, empowering Secret Transparency Give tasks Give context Hiring leaders Creating leaders Email Collaboration technologies 9 to 5 Flexible hours At the o ff i ce Everywhere Making pro fi ts Making a dent in the universe Capturing value Focused on creating customer value
  28. @madmac 75 In a world where everything changes so quickly

    Individuals + Mind Mindset Adaptability + Ignited by the new problems Focused on customer value
  29. @madmac 71% of recruiters surveyed quali fi ed adaptability -

    the ability to adapt to change - as the most valuable skill for the career of all candidates in the coming years 76 Adaptability – Rebecca Wilson, Wed Jan 17th 2018 Recruitment International @madmac
  30. 78 « If you don't take change by the hand,

    it will take you by the throat. » – Winston Churchill Speed and impacts of change
  31. 81 An agile organization Definition of Agile « An agile

    organization is not fixed in its processes. It is able to adapt quickly to unforeseen changes (reactively) and new trends that are emerging ( proactively) in its sector while maintaining strategic, operational and human continuity. » Much more We should be thinking about that much more broadly and that organizational agility means much more than just agile with a capital A and developing software. – Slack
  32. @madmac 83 2018: production hell Amid "production hell," Tesla built

    a gigantic tent outside its Fremont, Calif. headquarters for Model 3 manufacturing over fl ow.
  33. @madmac 90 January 2022 Tesla now operates the most productive

    car factory in the US Tesla’s Fremont factory in Fremont, California: 8,550 cars a week https://electrek.co/2022/01/24/tesla-operates-most-productive-car-factory-us/
  34. Operations — building and optimizing the known Innovations — Invent

    and create the future 🧠 💪💪 💪💪💪💪 💪💪💪💪💪💪 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪 🧠 🧠🧠 🧠🧠🧠🧠 🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠 Leadership paradigm Not the same world = not the same leaders
  35. @madmac 93 New technology New solution Why innovate, why change?

    ⚠ Important problem to solve 💎 Value for our customers 💪 Competitive advantage Relevance in society Better succeed in our mission 💃🕺 New capabilities New skills
  36. How leaders can prepare for the day after tomorrow? Time

    Attention Budget Talent Value creation Today Tomorrow The day after tomorrow Current value Future value Long term value SOY Negative value Peter Hinssen – The Phoenix and the unicorn, Nexworks, 2020
  37. What actually happen 97 Results / performance Time Atomic Habits,

    James Clear What you think should happen A mirage Where will you be the day after tomorrow? Here? Here?
  38. @madmac 5 learnings to inspire your journey 99 1. Pace

    of change is accelerating 2.Escaping from old ideas is really hard What is your banana? 3.Will before skills 4.The world of work is also changing 5.All organizations can succeed!
  39. 100 Why innovate & prepare for the day after tomorrow?

    •Innovate to create competitive advantages and offer added value to customers. •Innovate to remain relevant in our market and in society •Innovating because - in a constantly changing world - our winning recipe of today is what will prevent us from being winners in the world of tomorrow
  40. 101 Principles One Mindset and 6 principles Mindset Embrace change

    rather than fear it, question our concepts and winning recipes that have brought us so far. At first we are poorly positioned and biased precisely because we have been so successful in the past. 1. Experimentation & learnings 2. Customer value & Iterate 3. Willingness (and courage) to put oneself in positions of failing and trying the new 4. Mobilized and aligned – to be future proof 5. Common and shared understanding of the goal: what will our success look like? 6. New world implies new kind of leadership: engage and mobilize all the brains around you!
  41. @madmac 106 • Crossing the Chasm (1991, revised 1999 and

    2014), Geoffrey A. Moore • Creativity Inc (2014, Random House Canada), Ed Catmull with Amy Wallace • Being Digital, Nicolas Negroponte (Knopf 1995) • TedTalk, Dan Pink sur la surprenante science de la motivation, Dan Pink https://www.ted.com/talks/ dan_pink_on_motivation?language=fr#t-1010302 • Why we plan – Part I – Failure to Rescue, Buridan’s Blog http://buridansblog12.rssing.com/chan-20258046/ all_p1.html • ICE Score all you need to know Itamar Gilad https://itamargilad.com/ice-scores/ • The Phoenix and the Unicorn, Peter Hinssen (2020 nexxworks) • Complicated vs Complex and why it’s matters - Roland Wolfig https://beya.io/2016/03/complicated-vs-complex- and-why-it-matters/ • Complexity and Strategy https://hackernoon.com/ complexity-and-strategy-325cd7f59a92#.5h6wyrxvk • Prototyping: Fake It till you make it (WWDC 2014, Apple Developper, Apple Inc.), Get a glimpse of Apple's prototyping process and the range of tools and techniques they use, some of which might surprise you. https://developer.apple.com/videos/ play/design/12/ • The Future of Jobs : Employment, Skills and Workforce Strategy for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (World Economic Forum, Jan 2016) References
  42. @madmac 107 • Crossing the Chasm (1991, revised 1999 and

    2014), Geoffrey A. Moore • Creativity Inc (2014, Random House Canada), Ed Catmull with Amy Wallace • Being Digital, Nicolas Negroponte (Knopf 1995) • The Phoenix and the Unicorn, Peter Hinssen (2020 nexxworks) Books to inspire your journey