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Creative Video Marketing Tips

Creative Video Marketing Tips

This ebook will show you creative ways to market videos. They are different resources that will save time and money and increase engagement. Increase your views, sales and build your relationship with your list.

Jermaine Powell

August 12, 2019

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  1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9

    ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15 The Power Of Internet Video Marketing Video Marketing For Free Traffic Video Marketing - The One They Come Back For 3 Main Reasons Why Video Advertising Is Becoming … How To Sell More With Video! Seven Fatal Errors in Online Marketing Demos How To Make An Effective Short Video Clip To Mark… 3 Tips To Help Your Online Video Marketing Beat Th… Table of Cont ent s Table of Cont ent s
  2. You've probably seen TV shopping info ads. Even if you

    didn't end up buying the product advertised on TV, you must admit that seeing a demonstration of the product's performance can be very persuasive and can induce many TV shoppers to part with their money. Demo videos are truly powerful, and the good news is, you can make use of this power in the internet. You can market your company or products using internet videos. Why Use Internet Videos for Internet Marketing Internet videos are fast becoming the trendy way of advertising your products to potential customers. All you need to do is create a demonstration like the infomercials you see on TV through which you can extol the merits of your products, systems or services. Internet video presentations are more interesting Internet videos are way better than mere text or graphic advertisements. Nowadays, consumers suffer from information overload. The internet is prolific in content and the internet user and consumer can hardly catch up. They just glance over titles, subtitles and some bits and pieces of the paragraphs in between. If your text fails to hold their interest, say goodbye to potential sales. Internet video presentations are better because in a matter of a few minutes, your customers can learn about your products in a more interesting and engaging manner. Videos are more dynamic than text ads and are therefore more attention grabbing. They beat text ads because your target consumer can see your product in action; they no longer have to imagine it. Internet video presentations are more convenient Video hosting technologies are fairly advanced to increase the convenience to consumers and therefore aid your internet marketing efforts. Video streaming, which allows consumers to watch your video without the need to download the material, facilitates hassle-free viewing. Internet video hosting is becoming more affordable Moreover, you don't have to pay through the nose for video hosting services that provide video streaming support. Because of continuous technological innovations and increasing competition, these video hosting solutions have become much cheaper than they used to be. P age 1 P age 1 The Power Of Internet Video Marketing The Power Of Internet Video Marketing Creative Video Marketing Tips
  3. Internet video presentations are easily distributed One other advantage of

    using internet video media for internet marketing is the existence of numerous video distribution channels where you can post your videos for free. You can try YouTube, for instance, and reach the millions of visitors this video sharing site has. Exposure of this magnitude has never been this easy to attain. Some Tips to Using Internet Video for Internet Marketing To take advantage of the benefits to internet video marketing, you need to remember a few things. One, you should produce internet videos with high image and audio quality. Two, you should keep your internet videos short and simple - short because your typical internet viewer is in a hurry or easily bored, and simple because you need to be easily understood by everyone. Third, stick to the highlights in your internet video presentation. Do not overload your viewers with figures and statistics. Select only those most relevant and give a rundown only on the key benefits of your products and services. For additional details, you can always include your text and graphic ads. Finally, if you are posting your video on a site other than your own, be sure to direct your viewer to your web site by providing your link. P age 2 P age 2 Creative Video Marketing Tips
  4. Using video marketing to drive traffic to your web site

    is an online marketing strategy many small business owners and internet marketers are beginning to embrace, with much success. Having a traditional website only allows you to reach those people who first find your website. However, combining video, social networking and some simple video marketing techniques can drive hordes of qualified visitors to your website. First, let's forget the silly videos you'll find all over YouTube of kids running into fences and demonstrating the newest dance move. While that kind of video can bring in hundreds of thousands of views, it won't bring the targeted traffic you need. Instead, consider making a video tightly targeted towards your niche. A real estate agent might make a video introducing herself and showcasing a few of her available homes for sale. A night club might make a video "commercial" with soundbites from partygoers. A software developer might make a video demonstrating his latest application. Because Google and other search engines are beginning to give videos hosted on sites like YouTube preferential search engine ranking, it's quite possible your video could end up on the first page of search results for your targeted keyphrase. This is incredibly powerful and not to be overlooked, as this is what will make your video marketing efforts well worth the time you invest in them. Consider that YouTube itself may not have a huge market of people looking for videos on "Oakland real estate." But if your video titled "Oakland Real Estate" made the first page of Google search results (again, due to the preferential search results video is receiving in the search engines) you'd benefit from the hundreds of people who search for that term in Google seeing your video as the #1 result and ,in turn, watching your clip. With the preferential treatment videos are receiving in search results, the question then becomes, "How do I move people from watching my video on YouTube to actually visiting my website?" This is simple. Bribe them, at the end of your marketing video. What follows are some ideas: * Offer them something for free at your site (a consultation, a report, free drink, demo version, MP3 download, etc.) P age 3 P age 3 Video Marketing For Free Traffic Video Marketing For Free Traffic Creative Video Marketing Tips
  5. * Poll them or ask them a question they need

    visit your site to answer. People love to give their opinion. You can combine with the free offer, above, by giving them the freebie upon completion of the poll or question. This is invaluable for market research. * Leave 'em hanging. Don't tell the whole story on your YouTube hosted video - instead, tell them just enough to incite curiosity. Then, instruct them to visit your site for the complete story or answer. Each of these ideas are intentionally broad can be focused indefinitely and molded to fit your target market. The key here is catching your audience while they're hot; directly after having watched our video and giving them a reason to continue on to your website. The truth is that if you don't, most will simply click through to another video or search result. Capitalize on their attention and tell them where to go and what to do next - you'll be surprised at how many will comply! Even if you're no Spieldberg (I know I'm not) you can produce traffic sucking videos with these simple methods. P age 4 P age 4 Creative Video Marketing Tips
  6. I was sent a link recently to a video that

    was powerful in the way it presented the idea of going the extra mile for customer in ways that were easy, but unexpected. I left the viewing of the video inspired and wanting to find new ways to make my own businesses better. While I was inspired by the video and would willingly send anyone to the site I also discovered this video to be a video marketing strategy for a series of inspiring books and motivational downloads. The video was the marketing tool. It was emotive, challenging and powerful, but it was also designed to BE the selling tool for the affiliated products. Testimonial after testimonial located after the viewing of the video indicated this series was an excellent resource and empowered employees to find job satisfaction in serving customers well. I think the reason I was so taken with the approach was that it was vastly different from most video marketing strategies. In most cases the video presented is a sales tool telling you why the available products are just what you need. The videos will provide the testimonials and bits of details that leave you with partial answers to thought provoking questions. These are key elements in video marketing and they are effective, but the novel approach to giving you a complete and motivational video download was unexpected. Here's why I believe this approach works. The emotive video does not actively sell a product or service. Because this is true there is no pressure, just the emotional connections associated with the viewing. Once the video is over the viewer will think of others that would benefit from viewing this feel good motivational video. The soft sell of the video is literally making it possible for an incredible number of potential buyers to visit the site and find encouragement. Even if they have no interest in buying the product they will likely keep the link handy to share with others over the long-term and I'm pretty certain there will be some of those that find the motivational material a strong enough reason to make a purchase. P age 5 P age 5 Video Marketing - The One They Come Back For Video Marketing - The One They Come Back For Creative Video Marketing Tips
  7. What's more is that the video is essentially timeless. The

    end product could change from time to time, but the video remains the cornerstone of the marketing plan. And because so many will forward a link to business associates, family and friends the end result is a positive experience even after the viewer understand there is a no-obligation set of products that can be purchased following the viewing. This is a great example of giving more than you have to, and by doing so you end up with improved traffic and a higher conversion rate. I think part of the problem with most sales videos is that they often breed distrust from the beginning. Most people see the sales pitch and watch for the angle they know is coming. This secondary type of marketing approach takes them off guard it is a simple straightforward story that turns out to be true, emotional, motivating and inspirational. And that story ties very specifically into the product being sold, but in the end the video stands on its own merit. P age 6 P age 6 Creative Video Marketing Tips
  8. Video advertising is the new way to get the message

    out about your business, services or products. Here are the three main reasons why video advertising is currently one of the most popular internet marketing methods. With increasing access to broadband connection, online video streaming as a form of advertisement is becoming increasingly popular. Different types of videos abound in the internet - video emails, video instant messages, video broadcasts, and video blogs. The idea is to create videos that could put out effective advertisements without alienating viewers who have not yet jumped into the online advertisement viewing bandwagon. Internet video blogging sites like YouTube get millions of hits a day so companies are beginning to consider every possible way to get these people who visit these video blogging sites to buy their products or avail of their services. There are a lot of reasons why video advertising is becoming increasingly popular; here are some of these reasons. Reason 1: Wide Coverage and Reach With video advertising, you will be able to reach different people, young or old, male or female. Your advertising will reach millions of people, regardless of their age, sex, and race. Thousands of websites generate interest from people worldwide. People, especially the younger generation, are cutting off on their other pursuits to give time to online social networks like MySpace and YouTube. YouTube alone has millions of viewers daily. This opens a whole worldwide market for every business. It is no wonder why an estimated $400 million was spent for video advertising in 2006 alone. This figure is expected to increase in the coming years. With the majority of internet users preferring to purchase products online, more and more videos are created each year in response. Reason 2: Videos Get the Message Across Video messaging uses the audio-visual approach, so it's more effective in getting any message across. People would generally respond more to both visual and audio stimulation. P age 7 P age 7 3 Main Reasons Why Video Advertising Is 3 Main Reasons Why Video Advertising Is Becoming More Popular Becoming More Popular Creative Video Marketing Tips
  9. If your video captures your viewer's interest, you could expect

    a call, an order, or a hit on your site. Scientifically, it has been proven that the probability of people remembering any message is higher if the message was received through both sight and hearing. Video messaging is a form of a personal communication to your target market. You can create all kinds of videos and send them via email or post them on your websites. You can create video instant messages, emails or blogs. It depends on what form of video marketing would be most effective for you. Reason 3: Relatively Inexpensive Online video advertising is not expensive. It is cheap yet it works. It means good business and more profit. It is cheaper than print ads or TV ads. You spend little for the worldwide market. You don't need to have millions of dollars just so you can launch an effective and competitive video advertisement. This levels the playing field for home-based e-business owners like you. Virtually all kinds of businesses can create their own online video advertisements, upload these videos on YouTube, and embed the streams into their own websites. In an instant, without even paying for a million dollar worth of video ad, small businesses can have video streaming and market to millions of users worldwide. P age 8 P age 8 Creative Video Marketing Tips
  10. The Web is no longer just linking information and digital

    text. Instead Web 2.0 is about linking people... People sharing, trading, and collaborating together, and video has proven time and again to deliver best on this potential whenever you're selling a product on the net! More and more people are selling over the Internet. The market is dense, opaque and too broad. Nowadays getting attention from potential prospects has become a Herculean endeavor. The marketing arena in the new wave of web 2.0 is dominated more and more by Video. Video will fully embrace online marketing as never before. What the majority of Internet Marketers have overlooked over the years, is that people want to be entertained, as opposed to reading long sales pages as they used to, not knowing in advance what was in it for them. This is why people like to scan sales pages from top to bottom without even reading the first line... The consequences ? The Internet Marketers miss lots of opportunities simply because people didn't read this kind of sales page closely enough. A good introductional video can highlight the benefits of the sales page and showcasing key feature bullet points and benefit bullet points. It's a starting point. Getting the prospect hooked and enticed to read more is what a marketer's good sales page should do. A good headline may certainly make a sale, but its no match for video! The power of video can be summed up by the motto, "A picture is worth a thousand words." What this means is that video images can express those concepts and that knowledge that are difficult to explain in words. Videos have a power to speak directly to your subconscious. Also bear in mind that pictures and sound are more vivid and tend to stick a little bit longer in the brain, than written text. So once the reader is already immersed in the subject line, he will dig further in the details to see what's in for him. This way you're sure to make a good pitch! The trick about videos is to add taste with humor, entertainment, controversy, and educational value to capture the imagination and the fantasy of your readers. With video you can sell them the sizzle as well as the steak! We all know the viral potential of videos right?... Add to that these ingredients and you have a sales page on steroids that's sure to stick for a while in the mind of your readers! Interactivity - the appeal to the sensations and emotions of your prospects - is the buzzword of video marketing! P age 9 P age 9 How To Sell More With Video! How To Sell More With Video! Creative Video Marketing Tips
  11. When portraying a new or upgraded product line, too many

    companies get caught up in meaningless impressive-looking images that fail to tell their story; or, they hide the product story among over-long corporate "web infomercials." These are just two of the mistakes that can doom an online marketing demo to the annals of ineffective marketing artifacts. The most important online marketing question is "Have I made my products easy to buy?" Among the things to consider when answering this question is whether the product's features and benefits are easy to understand. One great way to ensure this is to create an online marketing demo using Flash or Video. Marketing demos are attention-getting, cost effective and if done right, powerful sales tools. But, it can be so tempting to concentrate on the sizzle that many companies forget the steak. Here are some fallacies about online Flash or Video marketing demos. 1. Silent Movies They are hard to follow and there is no evidence to suggest that silent movies are making a comeback. Software product demos with complex interface screens, complete with cursors that point in several directions and screens that change without explanation, are confusing, and may suggest to your user that the product is harder to use than it really is. Spend the money to add audio. 2. Over-long demo Approximately 3 minutes is about right: anything more runs the risk of losing the visitor's interest...regardless of how engaging the demo may be. This will give time for a 1.5-minute "marketing pitch" and an equal amount of time for screen shots. Remember, the purpose of this demo is simply to capture the customer's attention. This is not a tutorial, which can run up to 5 minutes in length and demonstrate an important function in some depth. The goal is to help the customer focus his/her attention on what you have to offer. The website can be loaded with additional information and white papers. This demo will set the stage for a purchase. Then you can guide the viewer to more information. 3. Hide the Product Pricing P age 10 P age 10 Seven Fatal Errors in Online Marketing Demos Seven Fatal Errors in Online Marketing Demos Creative Video Marketing Tips
  12. Don't make customer search for pricing; make sure it is

    shown right after the demo ends. And, end the demo next to a "buy now" or "more information" button. If you don't have confidence in your pricing, then you have a bigger problem than website design. After investing the time to watch the demo the viewer wants to know, "Ok, what will this cost?" If you hide your pricing, it becomes a focus of attention-and a negative one at that. 4. One-way communique' (forgetting to collect sales leads). One of the reasons for creating a demo is to capture the attention of viewers browsing a site. If they are interested in viewing product demo, you will know something important about them. Once you have their email address, you can request permission to send them a targeted newsletter, specific information or a special discount. If they give you permission, you have taken the first step in opening a valuable dialogue with them. 5. Ostentatious graphics Website visitors have passed the stage of being impressed with animation for its own sake. When website design was in its infancy, everyone was thrilled with the notion that they could have animations that flashed and icons that spun around. That quickly went away when people realized that they wasted precious download time. Use the same rule for demos. A splash screen that booms out the name of the product to great fanfare is a waste of time and money. Animated splash screens can be used effectively, but many times they are gratuitous and/or meaningless. 6. Full frontal corporate bio Customers need to know that the company is reliable, and has a quality product. This should be done on the website in the main, and not in a 3 minute presentation. Don't spend valuable demo time on lots of corporate information. If viewers are interested, they can find it on your website. Honestly evaluate whether the information you include will make your product more saleable. 7. Reinvent content (Repurpose demos in a hundred different ways to make it a more worthwhile investment). P age 11 P age 11 Creative Video Marketing Tips
  13. A demo can be repurposed in a hundred different ways

    to make it a more worthwhile investment, yet so many companies ignore this benefit. When writing demo scripts, think about the different audiences you can target with small changes. You can take the same script and add a section that targets resellers. With a change to some of the graphics, you have a demo that will be useful for the next annual business meeting. A few different changes and it's useful for the company's international market. When you create several versions at once, the cost of the changes is minimal. P age 12 P age 12 Creative Video Marketing Tips
  14. There are millions of short video clips on the web,

    either produced by professionals or amateurs for sharing through various video sharing sites such as YouTube and Google video. The amateurs publish their video clips for fun and entertainment. Whereas, the professionals produce and publish them in order to drive traffic to their web sites and sell more of their products or services. Internet marketing through video publishing is in booming trend recent years and it has become on of the online marketing vehicle to drive traffic to websites. Besides the article marketing, video marketing is another online marketing technique that can drive tons of traffic at low cost. In fact, many of video sharing sites allow you to publish your video clips for free. Hence, you should not ignore this effective marketing technique, instead you should learn how to take advantage of this video opportunity for the sake of your own marketing objectives and goals to drive internet traffic to your website. Here are some notes on how to use short video clips to promote your business online: 1. Video clips should be short & focus Internet is full of information and most internet users have not enough time to scan and read all, they will selectively choose the one that most likely is what they are looking for and visit the website. Hence your video clip should be short, about 2-3 minutes and straight to the points to keep the internet surfers' interest. 2. An Attractive Visual Scheme Colour scheme, background, motion graphic and font are important elements that can crease sense of both continuity and corporate identity. You video clip should project a constent image of your company, products or services. 3. Soundtrack is everything Effective video clip that draw attention combines vision and sound effects for a perfect synergy. Add in sound with narrators that stress on keywords and graphics to delivery your marketing message to your visitors. A good control of narrators with slogans and buzzwords will help to increase the emotional feel on your visitors and keep your visitors interest to your products/services. 4. Ensure Your Video Clips Are Internet Friendly P age 13 P age 13 How To Make An Effective Short Video Clip To How To Make An Effective Short Video Clip To Market Your Business Online Market Your Business Online Creative Video Marketing Tips
  15. If your video clip takes long time to load, you

    probably will lose the interest of your visitors. Most video files are in AVI format which normally have larger file size and will take long time to load. Hence, you should convert it to a format that has small in file size and a short long time; the common internet friendly format is Flash format. 5. Get Your Video Clips Distributed On Internet If you website is new or have low PR, most probably internet surfers won't find your website from the search engines. If you just publish your video clip at your own website, it will not drive any internet traffic to you. The more people watch your video clips, the more traffic will be flow in to you website. Hence, get your video clips distributed across the internet by submitting them to as many video sharing sites as possible. Publishers, blogs and other websites may download your video clips and republish them to websites; you will get more exposure and redirect more internet traffic to your website. In Summary Video marketing is one the popular internet marketing tools that delivery tremendous result. You should get start to learn how to take advantage of this video opportunity for the sake of your own marketing objectives and goals to drive internet traffic to your website. P age 14 P age 14 Creative Video Marketing Tips
  16. Got a new business product but don't know where to

    start? Video marketing just might be for you. This article discusses video marketing, its advantages and a short guide on how to make a video perfect for any marketing campaign. There are a lot of ways through which you can market your products and your services. Among these methods, the most cost-effective means is perhaps the internet. Through the internet, you can come up with every marketing campaign possible. The internet is so flexible and vast that with the right moves, it can help your business become more popular and more prominent. That being said, let me introduce you to the latest trend and possibly the most effective of all online marketing strategies: video marketing. --- Video Marketing --- Video marketing just might be the hottest trend to date in the marketing field. The time for telling through text marketing copy has passed. Instead, it's now time for showing and demonstrating through video clips. If you're not that familiar with video marketing, there's absolutely no need for you to worry. The internet provides a lot of resources on how you can make your videos. You can learn about the tools that you need to make videos and the techniques that can make your videos work for marketing purposes. The following are some tips on how you can make video marketing work for your business. 1. Determine where to post your videos. First of all, you have to know where you are going to post your video marketing material. There are many choices available to you. You can place your video in your website for more interesting site content. You can also post video clips in online communities and blogs. Of course, you should not neglect to post videos in video blogging sites like YouTube. 2. Determine the video content. The prior step will help a long way in determining the content of your video marketing materials. As a general rule, your videos must contain information that will build more interest in your business' products and services. However, the actual and specific content will have to vary, depending on where you're posting your videos. P age 15 P age 15 3 Tips To Help Your Online Video Marketing Beat 3 Tips To Help Your Online Video Marketing Beat The Competition The Competition Creative Video Marketing Tips
  17. For instance, videos in your website can be much more

    product- or service- oriented. Particularly, your videos can demonstrate how effective your product or service is. Your videos in your site can also be video testimonials from your customers. Moreover, they can be video clips about your special promotions and special updates. Videos posted in online blogs should be more about updates, news and special promotions. They should merely inform your viewers about the latest news and induce your audience to click on the link to your site for more details. For video blogging sites like YouTube, your video should be less product- oriented and more entertaining and creative. Your website link can be provided with the video and your products can be featured in them, but your videos must never be a simple sales pitch. You're never going to be referred and reposted that way. 3. Identify your audience. All along, you should keep your audience in mind. How old are your intended consumers? Who are they and where do they come from? The content of your video marketing materials will also heavily depend on the demographics of your intended recipients. After you have done all of the abovementioned steps, all you will need to do is to make your videos and post them online. Of course, you may have to engage the services of a video server for your purposes. P age 16 P age 16 Creative Video Marketing Tips