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Lean UX: Getting Out of the Deliverables Busine...

Jeff Gothelf
February 12, 2012

Lean UX: Getting Out of the Deliverables Business (London IA - Feb 7 2012)

This is the most recent version of the Lean UX presentation as given at London IA on February 7th, 2012 (in, uh, London).

Jeff Gothelf

February 12, 2012

More Decks by Jeff Gothelf

Other Decks in Design


  1. Lean UX Building shared understanding to get out of the

    deliverables business London IA February 7th, 2012 http://www.flickr.com/photos/bricoleurbanism/
  2. Who am I? interaction designer. team leader. author. jeff gothelf

    currently: principal at proof author @ o’reilly (lean ux, 2012) previously: theladders, publicis modem, webtrends, aol, tons o’startups blog: www.jeffgothelf.com twitter: @jboogie email: jeff@proof-nyc.com #leanux
  3. In the beginning… UX began with Information Architecture which no

    one had ever heard of http://www.ucdesigners.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/stockxpertcom_id21589-world1-1024x794.jpg #LeanUX | @jboogie
  4. Value has ultimately been placed on the deliverable Not on

    the experience being created #LeanUX | @jboogie
  5. Lean UX Inspired by Lean Startup and Agile development theories,

    it’s the practice of bringing the true nature of design work to light faster, with less emphasis on deliverables and greater focus on the actual experience being designed. #LeanUX | @jboogie
  6. Agile •  Individuals and interactions over processes and tools • 

    Working software over comprehensive documentation •  Customer collaboration over contract negotiation •  Responding to change over following a plan Lean Startup Lean Startup initially advocates the creation of rapid prototypes designed to test market assumptions, and uses customer feedback to evolve them much faster than via more traditional software engineering practices. #LeanUX | @jboogie
  7. It goes a little something like this… Do this. Quickly.

    Many times. Concept Prototype Validate Internally Test Externally Learn from user behavior Iterate Just the UX process #LeanUX | @jboogie
  8. #LeanUX | @jboogie “Go that way. Really fast. If something

    gets in your way, turn.” -Charles DeMar (Curtis Armstrong) to Lane Myer (John Cusack) in “Better Off Dead”
  9. Designers can’t hide behind their monitor any more! This is

    a designer-led initiative http://www.flickr.com/photos/yamagatacamille/4799648425/sizes/l/ #LeanUX | @jboogie
  10. Get design work out there. Fast. In public. (Yes, where

    everyone can see it.) #LeanUX | @jboogie
  11. OK. I’m intrigued. But how does it really work? First

    5 things you need to do… #LeanUX | @jboogie
  12. Solve the problem together As opposed to implementing someone else’s

    solution http://www.flickr.com/photos/mims/326748812/sizes/l/ #LeanUX | @jboogie 1!
  13. Get the experience out there, not the document Validate your

    hypotheses #LeanUX | @jboogie 3! http://www.macdavidpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/4355664150_68b8aa58a9_o-600x337.jpg
  14. Pair up! But do it, cross-functionally #LeanUX | @jboogie 4!

  15. Pairing saves time Builds a common language #LeanUX | @jboogie

    http://hoveringartdirectors.tumblr.com/page/2 4!
  16. Pairing sets designers free, man …and empowers developers! #LeanUX |

    @jboogie http://www.clydekellerphotos.com/images/AP_Kesey_HippiesDancing_GALLERY_CGW.jpg 4!
  17. They’re good for developers too! Creates a reusable asset library

    and point from which to start #LeanUX | @jboogie 5!
  18. From Design Criticism and the Creative Process by Cassie McDaniel

    on A List Apart, 11 Jan, 2011. http://www.alistapart.com/articles/design-criticism-creative-process/ #LeanUX | @jboogie Designers shouldn’t be expected to get it right the first time Nobody else has to
  19. It’s not “The Spec” that gives control That’s the last

    mile of the value design brings to the team http://talkingtraffic.org/wp-content/images/stack_documents.jpg #LeanUX | @jboogie
  20. What about the quality of the design? Iterations mean quality

    continually improves. http://stockthemind.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/project-cartoon.jpg #LeanUX | @jboogie
  21. Validate your hypothesis with customers Keep it light and cheap.

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/forakerdesign/3657336793/sizes/l/ #LeanUX | @jboogie
  22. The more you talk about it The easier it is

    for the team to put the pieces together (and find missing ones) http://www.flickr.com/photos/adysmiles/4822749055/sizes/l/ #LeanUX | @jboogie
  23. Lazy. Sorry. You still have to work hard. http://www.steadyburn.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/lazy-cat5.jpg “…the

    best part … is that the team is doing a F@&K-TON of UX. They document a ton of stuff explicitly on the walls and implicitly in shared understanding among team members.” - Austin Govella commenting on Whitney Hess’s “Why I Detest the Term Lean UX” http://whitneyhess.com/blog/2011/02/27/why-i-detest-the-term-lean-ux/ #LeanUX | @jboogie
  24. The only thing being removed is waste. Leave the toolbox

    intact. Use the tools as necessary. http://www.flickr.com/photos/mims/326748812/sizes/l/ #LeanUX | @jboogie
  25. This is NOT design-by-committee! That never leads to anything pretty.

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/mims/326748812/sizes/l/ #LeanUX | @jboogie
  26. Can I make this happen in my organization? Short answer:

    Yes. Long answer: Yessssssssss! #LeanUX | @jboogie
  27. You’re an in-house designer… Start small and internal. Ask for

    forgiveness. http://www.istudyathes.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/microsoft-20team-201978.jpg #LeanUX | @jboogie
  28. You are in the problem-solving business and you don’t solve

    problems with design documentation. You solve them with elegant, efficient and sophisticated software. #LeanUX | @jboogie
  29. Recapping the “internal” Lean UX process…. Remember? Concept Prototype Validate

    Internally Test Externally Learn from user behavior Iterate Just the UX process #LeanUX | @jboogie
  30. For services agencies it looks slightly different Give your clients

    the power. They like that. Concept Prototype Validate w/client Learn from user behavior Iterate Validate w/client #LeanUX | @jboogie
  31. Consultants are specialized mini-agencies Success with Lean UX will be

    determined by attention level #LeanUX | @jboogie
  32. Reducing deliverables efforts reduces revenue In theory… Fewer deliverables Fewer

    billable hours ££££ Project delivered faster Happier, more empowered client Better outcomes #LeanUX | @jboogie
  33. Invest in your client’s success It shows the confidence you

    have in your work http://www.flickr.com/photos/19638298@N00/143127498/sizes/z/ #LeanUX | @jboogie
  34. Distributed teams do it remotely! If they’re a part of

    you, it’s on! If not, it ain’t bloody likely. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2361/2076450897_be1b8ace7c.jpg #LeanUX | @jboogie
  35. Is this good for every project? Use it where it

    makes sense. http://www.krackblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/david_hasselhoff_gary_coleman-e1275077640952.jpg #LeanUX | @jboogie
  36. Highly experiential marketing projects will struggle. Time to ideate and

    create options is essential. #LeanUX | @jboogie
  37. 3 days, 3 themes: Acquisition and conversion Resume services A

    human in every interaction #LeanUX | @jboogie
  38. Designers are used to being heroes. Lean UX is distinctly,

    anti-hero. http://www.abegoodman.com/Images/greatest-american-hero.jpg #LeanUX | @jboogie
  39. This is an evolution. Not a revolution. Designers must evolve

    to stay relevant. http://www.flickr.com/photos/freejay3/2387714157/sizes/l/ #LeanUX | @jboogie
  40. Once you go lean… Apparently it’s good and you can’t

    go back to…err…fat…or something #LeanUX | @jboogie
  41. Let’s get back to the experience design business. It’s where

    it’s at (as the kids say) http://www.flickr.com/photos/expressmonorail/3057998218/sizes/l/ #LeanUX | @jboogie