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Test Automation for the Non-Technical Tester

Jim Holmes
December 06, 2012

Test Automation for the Non-Technical Tester

Presented at STC Bangalore 2012.

Non-technical testers sometimes fear automated testing. Often this fear is from FUD or misunderstanding automation's role. This talk hopes to bridge the gap of misunderstanding so non-technical testers (those who've traditionally been "manual" testers) can understand how automation helps them deliver better value to the project by focusing on exploratory and high-value testing instead of rote repetition of manual test scripts.

Jim Holmes

December 06, 2012

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  1. “Scripted manual tests are immoral” -- Robert “Uncle Bob” Martin,

    NYC BDD Exchange conference, 1 Oct 2012 (@gojkoadzic http://bit.ly/11Vbm8t)
  2. “If you dislike change, you’ll dislike obsolescence even more” --

    General Eric Shinseki, Chairman, US Joint Chiefs of Staff