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SOLID Design Principles in Ruby

John Bohn
August 07, 2014

SOLID Design Principles in Ruby

Slides from my talk on applying SOLID design principles in Ruby. Originally gave the talk at Nash.rb meetup.

John Bohn

August 07, 2014

More Decks by John Bohn

Other Decks in Programming


  1. How do we facilitate change? • Make it easy to

    swap one type of object for another • Give objects a common interface to work from
  2. Limit the reasons for a class to change • Classes

    that only need to change for one reason are easy to change. • Classes that have multiple responsibilities are harder to change. Changing something about one responsibility may break another.
  3. That’s what the Single Responsibility Principle • It’s not “a

    class should only have one job” • It’s “A software entity should only have one reason to change”
  4. Facilitating change with Interfaces • Other languages allow us to

    formally define this • Ruby does not • Java for instance has Interfaces. Interfaces define a set of methods that you are going to implement. Objective-C has protocols which is a set of methods and properties
  5. Keep things private • Dynamic languages have implied contracts hidden

    in the code. When you call a method from another object, you are defining this contract. • Keep this contract as small as possible • Minimum viable method set
  6. Dependency Inversion Principle • Depend upon Abstractions. Do not depend

    upon concretions. • Write code that relies on quacking, not ducks.
  7. Interface Segregation/Single Responsibility as modules • Keep common interface implementations

    in modules that can be included • eg. Sluggable, Badgeable, PublishesLifeCycleEvents
  8. Keeping objects that share virtual interfaces similar • If you

    inherit from a class, really inherit all the way. • Don’t explode because something is not set up right • You have a leaky abstraction and you need to take a look at your design
  9. Liskov Substitution Principle • If it looks like a duck

    and quacks like a duck, but the duck needs batteries, you’ve broken LSP (you have the wrong abstraction) • Preconditions • return or raise if • Postcondition • Catch/Ensure • Try to stay away from new exceptions specific for sub classes. They are hard to catch.
  10. Another Way - Allow Substitution via Optional Conversion • Tell

    the object to convert itself to what you are looking for
  11. Make it so you can add functionality without modifying the

    class (or method) • Classic Example • Callbacks/Blocks • Config loops • Dependency Injection • #call • That’s the Open/Close Principle
  12. Thanks! Single Responsilbity A class should have only one reason

    to change Open/Closed Software entities should be open for extension, but closed for modification Liskov Substition Objects in a program should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes without altering the correctness of that program Interface Segregation Many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface Dependency Inversion Principle Depend on abstractions, not concretions