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Kaizen Platform における UI ライブラリのワークフロー

Kaizen Platform における UI ライブラリのワークフロー

関西フロントエンドUG 主催の「フロントエンドで考えるWebデザイン/UI勉強会 (http://kfug.connpass.com/event/15244/ )」で発表した内容です。

Yoshihide Jimbo

June 20, 2015

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  4. .c-btn { position: relative; display: inline-block; ... } /*doc ---

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  5. .c-btn { position: relative; display: inline-block; ... } /*doc ---

    title: Standard buttons name: 01-standard-buttons category: 06.Buttons-01.Buttons --- To create a standard button, add the `.c-btn` class to any `<a>`, `<button>` or `<input>` element. ```slim_example p a.c-btn href="#" Link button button.c-btn Button input.c-btn type="button" value="Input" input.c-btn type="submit" value="Submit" ``` */ _buttons.scss YAML
  6. .c-btn { position: relative; display: inline-block; ... } /*doc ---

    title: Standard buttons name: 01-standard-buttons category: 06.Buttons-01.Buttons --- To create a standard button, add the `.c-btn` class to any `<a>`, `<button>` or `<input>` element. ```slim_example p a.c-btn href="#" Link button button.c-btn Button input.c-btn type="button" value="Input" input.c-btn type="submit" value="Submit" ``` */ _buttons.scss Markdown
  7. .c-btn { position: relative; display: inline-block; ... } /*doc ---

    title: Standard buttons name: 01-standard-buttons category: 06.Buttons-01.Buttons --- To create a standard button, add the `.c-btn` class to any `<a>`, `<button>` or `<input>` element. ```slim_example p a.c-btn href="#" Link button button.c-btn Button input.c-btn type="button" value="Input" input.c-btn type="submit" value="Submit" ``` */ _buttons.scss Preview & 
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