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MongoMapper - Mapping Ruby to and from Mongo

MongoMapper - Mapping Ruby to and from Mongo

John Nunemaker

April 30, 2010

More Decks by John Nunemaker

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  1. Ordered List John Nunemaker MongoSF San Francisco, CA April 30,

    2010 MongoMapper Mapping Ruby To and From Mongo
  2. Free Stuff Persistence Validations [presence, length, inclusion, ...] Callbacks [before/after

    validate, create, save, ...] Associations [many, belongs_to, one, ...]
  3. Free Stuff Persistence Validations [presence, length, inclusion, ...] Callbacks [before/after

    validate, create, save, ...] Associations [many, belongs_to, one, ...] Serialization [to_json]
  4. class DowncasedString def self.to_mongo(value) value.nil? ? nil : value.to_s.downcase end

    def self.from_mongo(value) value.nil? ? nil : value.to_s.downcase end end
  5. class Foo include MongoMapper::Document key :bar end foo = Foo.new

    foo.bar = 'Some text' # foo.bar => "Some text" foo.bar = 24 # foo.bar => 24
  6. class Item include MongoMapper::Document key :title, String key :path, String

    key :parent_id, ObjectId belongs_to :parent before_validation :set_path private def set_path self.path = parent.path + title.parameterize end end
  7. :before_save, :after_save, :before_create, :after_create, :before_update, :after_update, :before_validation, :after_validation, :before_validation_on_create, :after_validation_on_create,

    :before_validation_on_update, :after_validation_on_update, :before_destroy, :after_destroy, :validate_on_create, :validate_on_update, :validate
  8. class Account include MongoMapper::Document many :sites end class Site include

    MongoMapper::Document key :account_id, ObjectId belongs_to :account end
  9. account = Account.create(:title => 'OL', :sites => [ Site.new(:title =>

    'OL', :domain => 'orderedlist.com'), Site.new(:title => 'RT', :domain => 'railstips.org'), ])
  10. [ { '_id' => ObjectID('...'), 'title' => 'OL', 'domain' =>

    'orderedlist.com' 'account_id' => ObjectID('...'), }, { '_id' => ObjectID('...'), 'title' => 'RT', 'domain' => 'railstips.org' 'account_id' => ObjectID('...'), } ]
  11. class Item include MongoMapper::Document many :data end class Datum include

    MongoMapper::EmbeddedDocument key :key, String key :value end
  12. { '_id' => ObjectID('...'), 'title' => 'MongoSF', 'data' => [

    { '_id' => ObjectID('...'), 'key' => 'description' 'value' => 'Awesome.', } ] }
  13. Powered by Plugins MongoMapper is associations, callbacks, clone, descendants, dirty,

    equality, identity_map, inspect, keys, logger, modifiers, pagination, persistence, protected, rails, serialization, timestamps, userstamps, validations
  14. module MongoMapper module Plugins def plugins @plugins ||= [] end

    def plugin(mod) extend mod::ClassMethods if mod.const_defined?(:ClassMethods) include mod::InstanceMethods if mod.const_defined?(:InstanceMethods) mod.configure(self) if mod.respond_to?(:configure) plugins << mod end end end
  15. module ActsAsListFu module ClassMethods def reorder(ids) # reorder ids... end

    end module InstanceMethods def move_to_top # move to top end end def self.configure(model) model.key :position, Integer, :default => 1 end end
  16. asset = Asset.create({ :image => File.open('john.jpg', 'r'), :file => File.open('foo.txt',

    'r'), }) asset.image.id asset.image.name asset.image.type asset.image.size asset.image.read
  17. module FancySchmancy def some_method puts 'some method' end end MongoMapper::Document.append_extensions(FancySchmancy)

    class Foo include MongoMapper::Document end Foo.some_method # puts 'some method' Foo.new.some_method # NoMethodError
  18. module FancySchmancy def some_method puts 'some method' end end MongoMapper::Document.append_inclusions(FancySchmancy)

    class Foo include MongoMapper::Document end Foo.new.some_method # puts 'some method' Foo.some_method # NoMethodError
  19. module FancySchmancy def some_method puts 'some method' end end class

    Foo include MongoMapper::Document end MongoMapper::Document.append_extensions(FancySchmancy) class Bar include MongoMapper::Document end Foo.some_method # puts 'some method' Bar.some_method # puts 'some method'