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Our choice in ReactNative


May 19, 2017

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     JG OGD"EBQUFSOVMMccBDUJWJUZOVMM \ SFUVSO ^ OGD"EBQUFSFOBCMF3FBEFS.PEF BDUJWJUZ  OFX$VTUPN3FBEFS$BMMCBDL SFBDU$POUFYU '-"(@3&"%&3@/'$@' OVMM  ^ @ReactMethod public void endReadingNfc() { NfcAdapter nfcAdapter = NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(reactContext.getApplicationContext());; Activity activity = reactContext.getCurrentActivity(); if (nfcAdapter == null || activity == null) { return; } nfcAdapter.disableReaderMode(activity); }
  2. Send to JS Layer class CustomReaderCallback implements ReaderCallback { ReactContext

    reactContext; public CustomReaderCallback(ReactContext reactContext) { this.reactContext = reactContext; } @Override public void onTagDiscovered(Tag tag) { try { analizeTag(tag); } catch (IOException e) { Crashlytics.logException(e); } } private void analizeTag(Tag tag) throws IOException { FelicaReader reader = new FelicaReader(tag); //… 解析処理理 … sendEvent(reactContext, “READ_CARD", payload); } private void sendEvent(ReactContext reactContext, String eventName, @Nullable WritableMap params) { reactContext.getJSModule(DeviceEventManagerModule.RCTDeviceEventEmitter.class) .emit(eventName, params); } }
  3. ReactNative Side import { NativeModules, DeviceEventEmitter } from ‘react-native'; class

    ReadingCardPage extends React.Component { // … componentDidMount() { NativeModules.NFCReactModule.startReadingNfc(); DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('READ_CARD', this._handleReadCard); } componentWillUnmount() { DeviceEventEmitter.removeListener('READ_CARD', this._handleReadCard); NativeModules.NFCReactModule.endReadingNfc(); } // … }
  4. redux-promise-middleware // action creator const getPost = id => ({

    type: 'GET_POST',\ payload: new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => fetch(`/api/posts/${id}`).then(response => { resolve(response.json()); }), 1000); }) }); // reducer const reducer = (state = {}, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'GET_POST_PENDING': return { isPending: true }; case 'GET_POST_FULFILLED': return { body: action.payload.body }; default: return state; }; } payloadにpromiseを渡す promiseのstatusの遷移に従い
  5. Example of HOC // for typed hoc pattern: https://github.com/facebook/flow/issues/2521 type

    FunctionComponent<P, S> = (props: P, context: S) => ?React$Element<any>; type ClassComponent<D, P, S> = Class<React$Component<D, P, S>>; type Props = { snackbarMessage: SnackbarMessage, actions: typeof Actions }; export default function ShowSnackbar<D, P, S>( WrappedComponent: ClassComponent<D, P, S>|FunctionComponent<P, S> ): ClassComponent<void, P & Props, {}> { return class _ShowSnackbar extends Component { props: P & Props; state: {}; componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: Props) { if (this.props.snackbarMessage !== nextProps.snackbarMessage) { this.showSnackbar(nextProps.snackbarMessage); } } showSnackbar(snackbarMessage: SnackbarMessage) { // 表示処理理 } render() { return ( <WrappedComponent {...this.props} /> ); } };
  6. 不不要な権限は削ろう(Android) • 初期状態では以下の権限が要求される
 - USBストレージの読み取り
 - 端末情報とIDの読み取り
 - 他のアプリの上に重ねて表示 •

    USBストレージの読み取りはAsyncStorageを使うために必要だ けど、他の権限は今回のアプリでは不不要 • これらの権限は実はデバッグツールのために要求されているので、 不不要であればリリースバージョンで取り除くようにmanifestを