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Modern Tools for Modern Applications

Modern Tools for Modern Applications

We're all distributed systems programmers now. Services are the new processes. Our tools don't realize this yet. This talk covers some of the first-generation tools for modern distributed applications.

John Sheehan

October 02, 2013

More Decks by John Sheehan

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  1. Mobile & Desktop Apps Web Sites & Applications Internal APIs

    3rd-party Service APIs Public APIs Thursday, October 3, 13
  2. “There's just no getting around it: you're building a distributed

    system. -- Mark Cavage, ACM Queue Thursday, October 3, 13
  3. Mobile & Desktop Apps Web Sites & Applications Internal APIs

    3rd-party Service APIs Public APIs Thursday, October 3, 13
  4. Mobile & Desktop Apps Web Sites & Applications Internal APIs

    3rd-party Service APIs Your Public APIs fn(){} fn(){} fn(){} fn(){} fn(){} Thursday, October 3, 13
  5. The API’s code. The API’s database. The API’s server. The

    API’s network. Your code. Your server. Your network. Debug Test Monitor Mitigate Thursday, October 3, 13
  6. RequestBin Inspect webhooks ngrok Introspectable localhost proxy mitmproxy Man-in-the-middle proxy

    Postman Chrome HTTP request editor PonyDebugger iOS HTTP request inspector Runscope API debugging and testing Thursday, October 3, 13
  7. frisbyjs Node.js API testing framework VCR Ruby HTTP record/playback FakeWeb

    Ruby mock HTTP response Mocky.io Mock HTTP responses via URL httptest Go HTTP testing utilities Runscope Stay tuned :) Thursday, October 3, 13