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CI Your JavaScripts!

CI Your JavaScripts!

These are the slides from my talk on DIY CI that I did for a couple of my personal (small scale) projects @ #kaunasjs

Simonas Jončys

August 26, 2015

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Other Decks in Programming


  1. PREPARE  PRODUCTION  SERVER Install utilities and tools, create directory structure

    And when ready push to master to trigger CI DEVELOP  LOCALLY RUN  CI  PROCESSES Run unit and e2e tests, transpile, minify and concat files DEPLOY  TO  PRODUCTION Copy files to remote server, restart applications
  2. CREATE  STRUCTURE Deploy every individual component to its own subtree

    Prepare production server Develop locally Run CI Deploy to production
  3. # create project directory structure cd ~ mkdir schnitzel mkdir

    www # results in # /home/deployment/schnitzel # /home/deployment/www
  4. AUTHORIZE  CI  AGENT Set up SSH authorization for the deployment

    user Prepare production server Develop locally Run CI Deploy to production
  5. # let the CI agent authenticate via ssh to prevent

    # hanging up on password prompts # open and paste in with an editor nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys # or copy via command line cat id.pub | ssh [email protected] "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
  6. # install curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.26.1/install.sh | bash # install a

    node version nvm install 0.12.7 # use it nvm use 0.12.7 # alias a version nvm alias stable 0.12.7 # lel, not true # use an alias nvm use stable
  7. # install forever as a global package npm install -g

    forever # run and monitor a script with forever forever start --sourceDir ~/schnitzel/latest --uid schnitzel --spinSleepTime 10000 --append index.js >> ~/schnitzel/forever.log 2>&1 # list all apps running forever list # stop an app forever stop schnitzel # restart an app forever restart schnitzel
  8. # cat ~/schnitzel/reboot.sh #!/bin/sh if [ $(ps -e -o uid,cmd

    | grep $UID | grep node | grep -v grep | wc -l | tr -s "\n") -eq 0 ] then export NVM_DIR="/home/deployment/.nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # This loads nvm forever start --sourceDir ~/schnitzel/latest --uid schnitzel --spinSleepTime 10000 -- append index.js >> ~/schnitzel/forever.log 2>&1 fi
  9. # open crontab for editing crontab -e # run reboot.sh

    on every machine reboot @reboot ~/schnitzel/reboot.sh
  10. INSTALL  NGINX To proxy node apps and serve static files

    Prepare production server Develop locally Run CI Deploy to production
  11. • A web server • Not apache2 • Can serve

    static files • Can be used as a proxy NGINX
  12. # install nginx sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nginx

    # configure nano /etc/nginx/conf.d/schnitzel.lt.conf # restart to reflect changes nginx -s restart
  13. # serve static files server { listen 80; server_name www.schnitzel.lt;

    location / { root /home/schnitzel/www } } server { listen 80; server_name schnitzel.lt return 301 http://www.schnitzel.lt$request_uri; }
  14. # proxy node apps server { listen 80; server_name api.schnitzel.lt

    location / { proxy_pass http://localhost:1337; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade'; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade; } }
  15. HAVE  A  GIT  STRAT Deploy on every push to master

    Prepare production server Develop locally Run CI Deploy to production
  16. USE  NPM  SCRIPTS To enable easy switching between CI strategies

    Prepare production server Develop locally Run CI Deploy to production
  17. { "name": "schnitzel-api", "version": "0.4.20", "description": "API Application for schnitzelkartoffel!",

    "main": "index.js", "dependencies": { "hapi": "^8.8.1", "lowdb": "^0.10.2" }, "devDependencies": { "code": "^1.5.0", "flightplan": "^0.6.4", "lab": "^5.14.0" }, "scripts": { "test": "node_modules/.bin/lab", "package": "gulp" } }
  18. # easily run scripts in CI # e2e tests npm

    run test # or just npm test # build npm run package
  19. PRACTICE  TDD Have suites of e2e and unit tests Prepare

    production server Develop locally Run CI Deploy to production
  20. INITIALIZE  NODE Boot up correct version of nodejs using nvm

    Prepare production server Develop locally Run CI processes Deploy to production
  21. # initialize nvm install 0.12.7 nvm use 0.12.7 # install

    project dependencies npm install # trigger build pipeline npm run package
  22. TRANSPILE If using any superset of EcmaScript 5 Prepare production

    server Develop locally Run CI processes Deploy to production
  23. TEST  UNITS To make sure components function in isolation Prepare

    production server Develop locally Run CI processes Deploy to production
  24. BUILD  SOURCES Build up dependency tree, concatenate, minify Prepare production

    server Develop locally Run CI processes Deploy to production
  25. RUN  E2E  TESTS To make sure the whole thing functions

    correctly Prepare production server Develop locally Run CI processes Deploy to production
  26. USE  A  TASK  RUNNER To better facilitate the whole build

    / test process Prepare production server Develop locally Run CI processes Deploy to production
  27. COPY  FILES Transfer build artefacts to production server Prepare production

    server Develop locally Run CI Deploy to production
  28. # sync with deleting any files that are not present

    rsync --delete -avz -e "ssh" ~/clone/ [email protected]:~/schnitzel
  29. # sync with deleting any files that are not present

    # excluding .git, tmp, log directories rsync --delete --exclude '.git' --exclude 'tmp' --exclude 'log' -avz -e "ssh" ~/ clone/ [email protected]:~/api
  30. RESTART  APPS Relaunch applications to pick up changes Prepare production

    server Develop locally Run CI Deploy to production
  31. # since the forever app is running # we can

    reference it by its uid forever restart schnitzel
  32. FLIGHTPLAN.JS A tool to run shell commands locally and remotely

    Prepare production server Develop locally Run CI Deploy to production
  33. var plan = require('flightplan'); var PROJECT_NAME = require('./package.json').name; plan.target('production', {

    host: '12.345.67.890', username: 'deploy', agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK }); var tmpDir = PROJECT_NAME + '-' + new Date().getTime(); var projectHomeDir = '~/' + PROJECT_NAME + '/'; plan.local(function(local) { var filesToCopy = local.exec('git ls-files', {silent: true}); local.transfer(filesToCopy, '/tmp/' + tmpDir); }); plan.remote(function(remote) { remote.exec('cp -R /tmp/' + tmpDir + ' ' + projectHomeDir + tmpDir); remote.rm('-rf /tmp/' + tmpDir); remote.exec('npm --production --prefix ' + projectHomeDir + tmpDir + ' install ' + projectHomeDir + tmpDir); remote.exec('ln -snf ' + projectHomeDir + tmpDir + ' ' projectHomeDir + 'latest'); remote.exec('nvm use stable'); remote.exec('forever restart ' + PROJECT_NAME); });
  34. var tmpDir = PROJECT_NAME + '-' + new Date().getTime(); var

    projectHomeDir = '~/' + PROJECT_NAME + '/'; plan.local(function(local) { var filesToCopy = local.exec('git ls-files', {silent: true}); local.transfer(filesToCopy, '/tmp/' + tmpDir); });
  35. var tmpDir = PROJECT_NAME + '-' + new Date().getTime(); var

    projectHomeDir = '~/' + PROJECT_NAME + '/'; plan.remote(function(remote) { remote.exec('cp -R /tmp/' + tmpDir + ' ' + projectHomeDir + tmpDir); remote.rm('-rf /tmp/' + tmpDir); remote.exec('npm --production -- prefix ' + projectHomeDir + tmpDir + ' install ' + projectHomeDir + tmpDir); remote.exec('ln -snf ' + projectHomeDir + tmpDir + ' ' projectHomeDir + 'latest') remote.exec('nvm use stable'); remote.exec('forever restart ' + PROJECT_NAME); });
  36. # If not running interactively, don't do anything case $-

    in *i*) ;; *) return;; esac # ... stuff ... export NVM_DIR="/home/deploy/.nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # This loads nvm
  37. export NVM_DIR="/home/deploy/.nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" #

    This loads nvm # If not running interactively, don't do anything case $- in *i*) ;; *) return;; esac # ... stuff ...