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John Wark — Design Principles for a High School...

John Wark — Design Principles for a High School Coding Curriculum

Slides and notes for John Wark’s lightning talk at Click 2014.

John is the founder of Nashville Software School.

Jason Orendorff

March 08, 2014

More Decks by Jason Orendorff

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  1. Design Principles for a High School Coding Curriculum John Wark

    Nashville Software School 1 Saturday, March 8, 14
  2. Accidental Educator • Started programming in 1971 • Founded Nashville

    Software School 2012 • Advisory boards for NACS, Overton H.S. IT Academy, Stratford H.S. Gaming/Simulation Academy • Consulting with Williamson Co Schools to design a four year multi-track cross-disciplinary curriculum integrating Apps and Arts into regular h.s. curriculum for reboot of MCHS • contact: wark.john@gmail.com 2 Saturday, March 8, 14
  3. HANDS ON 3 Saturday, March 8, 14 learn by doing

    constructionism over instructionism get kids coding - the sooner the better deal with the boring stuff later big influence on selection of tools
  4. MAKE IT FUN 4 Saturday, March 8, 14 Hard fun

    - fun is not a synonym for easy it ain’t math coding games is still coding get them hooked - there’s lots of time for the comp sci/abstract stuff later
  5. MAKE SOMETHING 5 Saturday, March 8, 14 Programming is for

    building things - so build something Solve problems Do projects - problem-based learning build students’ portfolios
  6. MISTAKES ARE GOOD 6 Saturday, March 8, 14 you can’t

    get it right without getting it wrong
  7. BLENDED LEARNING 7 Saturday, March 8, 14 use online tools/sites

    for core content instruction flipped classroom and/or station rotation - see http://www.christenseninstitute.org/ blended-learning-model-definitions/ let kids self-pace as much as possible use multiple modalities - let’s kids explore how they best learn (so they can learn to learn)
  8. Problems • A lot of what I just said is

    very hard within the top-down mandated curriculum guidelines and approved course standards • K-12 education establishment is not familiar with and in some cases very uncomfortable with technology • School bureaucracy moves very slowly and has huge impedance mismatch with the pace of change in technology • Any programmer worth a darn can make two or three times more money coding than teaching 8 Saturday, March 8, 14