Data Collection Requirements for Mobile Connected Health: an End User Development approach
A number of interview findings about creating mhealth data collection apps through an end-user development approach with tools such as MIT App Inventor. Presentation at Mobile! workshop, SPLASH16 in Amsterdam
of Main Findings • End User Development • App Inventor Main Limitations and some Potential Solutions • Current (and Future) Work Mobile!2016 Oct. 2016 3
Intervention parameters 3: Not enough walk detected 4: Intervention range exceeded Operational API Notifications Data Service SERVICES Mobile!2016 Oct. 2016 7
Intervention parameters 3: Not enough walk detected 4: Intervention range exceeded Operational API Notifications Data Service SERVICES Mobile!2016 Oct. 2016 8
Intervention parameters 3: Not enough walk detected 4: Intervention range exceeded Operational API Notifications Data Service SERVICES Mobile!2016 Oct. 2016 9
Intervention parameters 3: Not enough walk detected 4: Intervention range exceeded Operational API Notifications Data Service SERVICES Mobile!2016 Oct. 2016 10
Intervention parameters 3: Not enough walk detected 4: Intervention range exceeded Operational API Notifications Data Service SERVICES Mobile!2016 Oct. 2016 11
Set Intervention parameters 3: Not enough walk detected 4: Intervention range exceeded Operational API Notifications Data Service SERVICES Mobile!2016 Oct. 2016 12
Intervention parameters 3: Not enough walk detected 4: Intervention range exceeded Operational API Notifications Data Service SERVICES Mobile!2016 Oct. 2016 13
that allow users of software systems, who are acting as non-professional software developers, at some point to create, modify, or extend a software artifact. Lieberman, H, Paterno, F, Klann, M, and Wulf, V. (2006). End-user development: An emerging paradigm. Mobile!2016 Oct. 2016 26
that allow users of software systems, who are acting as non-professional software developers, at some point to create, modify, or extend a software artifact. Lieberman, H, Paterno, F, Klann, M, and Wulf, V. (2006). End-user development: An emerging paradigm. Mobile!2016 Oct. 2016 27
enough walk detected 4: Intervention range exceeded Operational API Notifications Data Service SERVICES DT Architecture: external loop Mobile!2016 Oct. 2016 36
as important as Ethical concerns Mobile!2016 Oct. 2016 38
of Content Some of our APIS allow the submission of content. Google does not acquire any ownership of any intellectual property rights in the content that you submit to our APIs through your API Client, except as expressly provided in the Terms. For the sole purpose of enabling Google to provide, secure, and improve the APIs (and the related ser- vice(s)) and only in accordance with the applicable Google privacy policies, you give Google a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, sublicensable, royalty- free, and non-exclusive license to Use content submitted, posted, or displayed to or from the APIs through your API Client. ”Use” means use, host, store, modify, communicate, and publish. Before you submit content to our APIs through your API Client, you will ensure that you have the necessary rights (including the necessary rights from your end users) to grant us the license. Mobile!2016 Oct. 2016 41
of Content Some of our APIS allow the submission of content. Google does not acquire any ownership of any intellectual property rights in the content that you submit to our APIs through your API Client, except as expressly provided in the Terms. For the sole purpose of enabling Google to provide, secure, and improve the APIs (and the related service(s)) and only in accordance with the applicable Google privacy policies, you give Google a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, sublicensable, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to Use content submitted, posted, or displayed to or from the APIs through your API Client. ”Use” means use, host, store, modify, communicate, and publish. Before you submit content to our APIs through your API Client, you will ensure that you have the necessary rights (including the necessary rights from your end users) to grant us the license. Mobile!2016 Oct. 2016 42
of Content Some of our APIS allow the submission of content. Google does not acquire any ownership of any intellectual property rights in the content that you submit to our APIs through your API Client, except as expressly provided in the Terms. For the sole purpose of enabling Google to provide, secure, and improve the APIs (and the related service(s)) and only in accordance with the applicable Google privacy policies, you give Google a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, sublicensable, royalty- free, and non-exclusive license to Use content submitted, posted, or displayed to or from the APIs through your API Client. ”Use” means use, host, store, modify, communicate, and publish. Before you submit content to our APIs through your API Client, you will ensure that you have the necessary rights (including the necessary rights from your end users) to grant us the license. Mobile!2016 Oct. 2016 43
Wearable data collected 1: Set Intervention parameters 3: Not enough walk detected 4: Intervention range exceeded Operational API Notifications Data Service SERVICES Mobile!2016 Oct. 2016