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App Inventor - Related research

October 16, 2013

App Inventor - Related research

A intro lecture about EdTech in general, and more specifically about the many influences that educational research has had on the implementation of App Inventor and other similar systems.


October 16, 2013

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  1. App Inventor - Related Research josmasflores@gmail.com MIT 6.s198 Agenda: -

    Discussion: What is App Inventor? - Related Research
  2. Educational Research This book is an exercise in an applied

    genetic epistemology expanded beyond Piaget's cognitive emphasis to include a concern with the affective (Mindstorms, Papert 1980)
  3. Papert - Constructionism Our culture is poor in models of

    systematic procedure (Mindstorms, 1980)
  4. Fear of learning "I can't learn French, I don't have

    an ear for languages" "I could never be a businessman, I don't have a head for figures" "I can't get the hang of parallel skiing, I never was coordinated"
  5. Debugging Programming is a much more self-directed activity, and we

    rarely get it right the first time, but in our culture that is OK; it's not OK in other cultural contexts though, for instance in School.
  6. Ed Tech L.A. students breach School iPad’s Security "You can't

    do nothing with them[iPads]," she said. "You just carry them around."
  7. My take on this as a non-expert... I Development of

    formal thinking to change the world. Thinking articulately about Thinking.
  8. My take on this as a non-expert... II Changing the

    school model: Learning about how to Learn. Self-directed learning: Taking charge of your own learning instead of relying on an external source of orders such as a teacher.
  9. My take on this as a non-expert... III Powerful ideas

    are ideas with leverage: they help you make sense of the world. (Some reflections on designing construction kits for kids, Silverman & Resnick, 2005)
  10. Constructionism - Other ideas • Divide between Humanities and Science

    • Implementation of Programming Environments: Low floor- High ceiling (Wide Walls) • Object to think with - Intersection: Cultural presence - Embedded knowledge - Personal identification. • Passion finding; Embodiment; Engagement. • 8 big ideas behind the Constructionist Learning Lab. Nothing important works the first time.
  11. App Inventor : Many influences • Logo - Turtles •

    Scratch • Alice - Storytelling Alice • Simple
  12. Fin! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution

    3.0 Unported License . Please use the Open Source group for discussion.