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Towards the Formalisation of Learning in Video ...

June 16, 2017

Towards the Formalisation of Learning in Video Games: Resources and Tools to become Legendary


June 16, 2017

More Decks by Jos

Other Decks in Education


  1. § This talk is NOT about § Using games to

    learn certain topics or transferable skills
  2. § This talk is NOT about § Using games to

    learn certain topics or transferable skills § Using games to learn about technical topics
  3. § This talk is NOT about § Using games to

    learn certain topics or transferable skills § Using games to learn about technical topics
  4. § This talk is about learning to be better at

    videogames §Particularly in the case of MOBAs such as League of Legends
  5. § eSports are increasingly becoming a career path. § Pro

    Players: average salary in $75,000 a year. § A minimum of $12,500 per split (two splits a year) § Championship prizes (several tournaments a year) § Sponsorships § Big names make an estimated $1M in a year § Dota2 players get paid more (in average) Source: https://www.lol-smurfs.com/blog/lol-pros-salary/
  6. Streamers and amateur player coaches Neace recently announced 1000 Twitch

    subscriptions, providing a base salary of $2,500. He also coaches ($30/session), and receives once-off donations.
  7. Folkestad (2006) defines formalised learning situations as those that occur

    within institutional settings, as opposed to those that happen in informal ways. Folkestad, G. (2006) ‘Formal and informal learning situations or practices vs formal and informal ways of learning’, British journal of music education. Cambridge Univ. Press, 23(2), pp. 135–145.
  8. In the same way that parents today pay for extra

    tuition and out of school activities such as coding camps, sports practice, or music classes, will they ever be willing to pay for their children to skill up at playing video games?
  9. § In the same way that parents today pay for

    extra tuition and out of school activities such as coding camps, sports practice, or music classes, will they ever be willing to pay for their children to skill up at playing video games? This idea may sound ridiculous to most. Recent trends, however, seem to indicate that it may not be as absurd as it first appears.
  10. § School ain’t cool: Even if we had these tools

    in schools… would they work? There’s so much about video games (uncertainty, rewards, excitement, and so forth), that we cannot know if these tools would help in school, but there’s a chance they would. § How do these gaming companies that, in principle, don’t worry too much about pedagogy and theories of learning come up with such fantastic tools? § The social environment in which LoL players interact is much more natural than those presented in MOOCs. § LoL is about teamwork and strategy, so there are plenty of transferable skills to learn too. But it is also about mathematics, theorycraft, statistics, APIs and much more.
  11. The Shutdown Law (South Korea, 2011) prevented children aged 16

    or below from playing online games between 10:30pm and 6:00am. The rules were later amended to allow parents to make their own choices. SAD story of the day: Watch the documentary ‘Love Child’ by Valerie Veatch, 2014. Source: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-32996009
  12. § Edutainment: http://caricom.org/images/uploads/images/13904/edutainment.jpg § QBsaic: http://www.chiptape.com/chiptape/image/big%20games/2Gorillas%20Deluxe%20+%20qbasic.jpg § App Inventor logo:

    https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0d/MIT_App_Inventor_logo.png/768px- MIT_App_Inventor_logo.png § Summoner’s rift tower: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ie-DPqwJ1e0/U5G7- Ty22qI/AAAAAAAARMQ/CsHYFDrmIFU/s1600/ytte.jpg § Summoner’s rift map: https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/5/53/Summoner%27s_Rift_Update_Map.png § Summoner’s rift fight: http://img3.mmo.mmo4arab.com/lol/2015/10/26/srf1640.jpg § Practice tool images: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/features/practice-purpose § Replay tool: http://media.zenfs.com/en/homerun/feed_manager_auto_publish_494/d345e2926bca27641418e713a9b3157 d § Replay tool 2: https://esportsedition.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Riot-LoL-Replay.jpg § MSI crew: http://riot-web-cdn.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/lolesports/s3fs- public/styles/centered/public/msi17_onair_talent_infographic.jpg