at 20°C / 45% RH with a Viscosafe rheometer from Anton Paar 1- Mixing for 1 minute 2-Tranfer into the sample container 3- Starting measurement 3min after onset of mixing 4- End at 2000 Pa.s viscosity Method
4ml cement in a cancellous like foam immersed in water at 37°C; injection time corresponds to a viscosity of 40Pa.s 2- Sampling of 2ml from aqueous medium at 1, 3, 5, 10, 30 min, 1h and 1day after injection 3- Measurement of concentration of each sample by High Pressure Liquid Chromatography Method 37°
of viscosity can be controlled - Despite differences of composition, monomer release are quite similar for all tested vertebroplasty bone cements → Key parameter = visosity - Comparing verebroplasty to arthroplasty → Equivalent level of release but → Less MMA amount due to low volume injected
viscosity limiting diffusion of MMA and a slow controlled kinetics of polymerisation permitting a longer injection period. How can we reduce monomer release ? - reducing mobility of the monomer, thus injecting a cement at a higher viscosity. Drawback : the injection window is decreased Perspectives