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Satoshi Hachiya

August 19, 2017

More Decks by Satoshi Hachiya

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Satoshi Hachiya • גࣜձࣾ ookami ʢ౦ژʣͷ iOS σϕϩούʔ • iOS

    ΞϓϦ Player! Λ୲౰ • try! Swift Tokyoɺtry! Swift NYC ͷΦʔΨφΠβʔ • try! Swift India ͷεϐʔΧʔ
  2. Agenda • Danger ͱ͸ • Danger Λಋೖ͢Δ • λʔϛφϧ্Ͱ Danger

    Λ࢖͏ • CI ্Ͱ Danger Λ࢖͏ • ׆༻ࣄྫ
  3. ࣮ߦՄೳͳ؀ڥ Circle, Travis, Jenkins, Buildkite, BuddyBuild, Semaphore, TeamCity, Xcode Bots,

    Drone, Surf and Bitrise ίϝϯτՄೳͳ؀ڥ GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket Diffs ͷऔಘ Git
  4. Dangerfile Λ࡞੒͢Δ • Gemfile ʹ gem 'danger' Λ௥Ճ • $

    bundle install Λ࣮ߦ • $ bundle exec danger init Λ࣮ߦ
  5. σϑΥϧτͷ Dangerfile # Sometimes it's a README fix, or something

    like that - which isn't relevant for # including in a project's CHANGELOG for example declared_trivial = github.pr_title.include? "#trivial" # Make it more obvious that a PR is a work in progress and shouldn't be merged yet warn("PR is classed as Work in Progress") if github.pr_title.include? "[WIP]" # Warn when there is a big PR warn("Big PR") if git.lines_of_code > 500 # Don't let testing shortcuts get into master by accident fail("fdescribe left in tests") if `grep -r fdescribe specs/ `.length > 1 fail("fit left in tests") if `grep -r fit specs/ `.length > 1
  6. Travis CI • .travis.yml Λ࡞੒ ... include: - os: osx

    language: swift osx_image: xcode8.3 script: - bundle exec danger ...
  7. Danger 1/4 # Sometimes its a README fix, or something

    like that - which isn't relevant for # including in a CHANGELOG for example has_app_changes = !git.modified_files.grep(/lib/).empty? has_test_changes = !git.modified_files.grep(/spec/).empty? is_version_bump = git.modified_files.sort == ["CHANGELOG.md", "lib/danger/version.rb"].sort if has_app_changes && !has_test_changes && !is_version_bump warn("Tests were not updated", sticky: false) end # Thanks other people! message(":tada:") if is_version_bump && github.pr_author != "orta"
  8. Danger 2/4 # Make a note about contributors not in

    the organization unless github.api.organization_member?("danger", github.pr_author) message "@#{github.pr_author} is not a contributor yet, would you like to join the Danger org?" # Pay extra attention if they modify the gemspec if git.modified_files.include?("*.gemspec") warn "External contributor has edited the Gemspec" end end # Mainly to encourage writing up some reasoning about the PR, rather than # just leaving a title if github.pr_body.length < 5 fail "Please provide a summary in the Pull Request description" end
  9. Danger 3/4 # Let people say that this isn't worth

    a CHANGELOG entry in the PR if they choose declared_trivial = (github.pr_title + github.pr_body).include?("#trivial") || !has_app_changes if !git.modified_files.include?("CHANGELOG.md") && !declared_trivial fail("Please include a CHANGELOG entry. \nYou can find it at [CHANGELOG.md](https://github.com/danger/danger/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md).", sticky: false) end # Docs are critical, so let's re-run the docs part of the specs and show any issues: core_plugins_docs = `bundle exec danger plugins lint lib/danger/danger_core/plugins/*.rb --warnings-as-errors` # If it failed, fail the build, and include markdown with the output error. unless $?.success? # We want to strip ANSI colors for our markdown, and make paths relative colourless_error = core_plugins_docs.gsub(/\e\[(\d+)(;\d+)*m/, "") markdown("### Core Docs Errors \n\n#{colourless_error}") fail("Failing due to documentation issues, see below.", sticky: false) end
  10. Danger 4/4 # Oddly enough, it's quite possible to do

    some testing of Danger, inside Danger # So, you can ignore these, if you're looking at the Dangerfile to get ideas. # # If these are all empty something has gone wrong, better to raise it in a comment if git.modified_files.empty? && git.added_files.empty? && git.deleted_files.empty? fail "This PR has no changes at all, this is likely an issue during development." end # This comes from `./danger_plugins/protect_files.rb` which is automatically parsed by Danger files.protect_files(path: "danger.gemspec", message: ".gemspec modified", fail_build: false) # Ensure that our core plugins all have 100% documentation core_plugins = Dir.glob("lib/danger/danger_core/plugins/*.rb") core_lint_output = `bundle exec yard stats #{core_plugins.join " "} --list-undoc --tag tags` if !core_lint_output.include?("100.00%") fail "The core plugins are not at 100% doc'd - see below:", sticky: false elsif core_lint_output.include? "warning" warn "The core plugins are have yard warnings - see below", sticky: false markdown "```\n#{core_lint_output}```" end junit.parse "junit-results.xml" junit.headers = %i(file name) junit.report
  11. fastlane 1/2 # We generally try to avoid big PRs

    warn("Big PR") if git.lines_of_code > 500 # Show a warning for PRs that are Work In Progress if (github.pr_body + github.pr_title).include?("WIP") warn("Pull Request is Work in Progress") end # Contributors should always provide a changelog when submitting a PR if github.pr_body.length < 5 warn("Please provide a changelog summary in the Pull Request description @#{github.pr_author}") end if git.modified_files.include?("snapshot/lib/assets/SnapshotHelper.swift") warn("You modified `SnapshotHelper.swift`, make sure to update the version number at the bottom of the file to notify users about the new helper file.") end
  12. fastlane 2/2 # To avoid "PR & Runs" for which

    tests don't pass, we want to make spec errors more visible # The code below will run on Circle, parses the results in JSON and posts them to the PR as comment containing_dir = ENV["CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS"] || "." # for local testing file_path = File.join(containing_dir, "rspec", "fastlane-junit-results.xml") if File.exist?(file_path) junit.parse(file_path) junit.headers = [:name, :file] junit.report else puts "Couldn't find any test artifacts in path #{file_path}" end
  13. RxSwift 1/2 # Warn about develop branch warn("Please target PRs

    to `develop` branch") if github.branch_for_base != "develop" && github.branch_for_base != "swift-3.0" # Sometimes it's a README fix, or something like that - which isn't relevant for # including in a project's CHANGELOG for example declared_trivial = github.pr_title.include? "#trivial" # Make it more obvious that a PR is a work in progress and shouldn't be merged yet warn("PR is classed as Work in Progress") if github.pr_title.include? "[WIP]" # Warn no CHANGELOG warn("No CHANGELOG changes made") if git.lines_of_code > 50 && !git.modified_files.include?("CHANGELOG.md") && !declared_trivial # Warn pod spec changes warn("RxCocoa.podspec changed") if git.modified_files.include?("RxCocoa.podspec") warn("RxSwift.podspec changed") if git.modified_files.include?("RxSwift.podspec") warn("RxTests.podspec changed") if git.modified_files.include?("RxTests.podspec") warn("RxBlocking.podspec changed") if git.modified_files.include?("RxBlocking.podspec")
  14. RxSwift 2/2 # Warn summary on pull request if github.pr_body.length

    < 5 warn "Please provide a summary in the Pull Request description" end # If these are all empty something has gone wrong, better to raise it in a comment if git.modified_files.empty? && git.added_files.empty? && git.deleted_files.empty? fail "This PR has no changes at all, this is likely a developer issue." end # Warn when there is a big PR warn("Big PR") if git.lines_of_code > 500
  15. ΫοΫύουʢAndroidʣ ... # for PR # #### if github.pr_title.include? "[WIP]"

    || github.pr_labels.include?("WIP") warn("PR is classed as Work in Progress") end # Warn when there is a big PR warn("a large PR") if git.lines_of_code > 300 # Warn when PR has no milestone warn("A pull request must have a milestone set") if github.pr_json["milestone"].nil? # Warn when PR has no assignees warn("A pull request must have some assignees") if github.pr_json["assignee"].nil? ...
  16. AndroidDangerSampleʢϝϧΧϦʣ has_milestone = github.pr_json["milestone"] != nil warn "͋ΕΕʁϚΠϧετʔϯ͕ઃఆ͞Εͯͳ͍Αʁ" unless has_milestone

    warn "WIPͳͷʁ͸΍͘ऴΘΔͱ͍͍Ͷʔʂ" if github.pr_title.include? "[WIP]" or github.pr_labels.include?("WIP") ...
  17. Dangerfile αϯϓϧ for iOS (1/2) # ϓϧϦΫΤετͷλΠτϧʹ `WIP` ؚ͕·Ε͍ͯͨΒܯࠂ warn("`WIP`

    ΍Μʁ") if github.pr_title.include? "WIP" # ϓϧϦΫΤετʹ `Description` ؚ͕·Ε͍ͯͳ͔ͬͨΒܯࠂ warn("Description ͳ͍Ͱʂ") if !github.pr_body.include? "Description" # Ϛʔδઌ͕ `master` Ͱͳ͚Ε͹ܯࠂ message("`master` ޲͍ͯͳ͍Ͱʂ") if !github.branch_for_base == "master"
  18. Dangerfile αϯϓϧ for iOS (2/2) # ௥Ճɾ࡟আͨ͠ߦ਺͕ `500` ߦΛ௒͍͑ͯͨΒܯࠂ warn("`500`ߦ௒͑ͱΔΘʂ")

    if git.lines_of_code > 500 # `App.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj` Λมߋ͍ͯͨ͠Βܯࠂ warn("`App.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj` ͍ͬͯ͡Δ΍Μʁ") if git.modified_files.include? "App.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj" # Storyboard Λมߋ͍ͯͨ͠Βܯࠂ warn("`Storyboard` ͍ͬͯ͡Δ΍Μʁ") if git.modified_files.any? { |file| file.include? ".storyboard" }
  19. Results: Warnings: - [ ] `WIP` ΍Μʁ - [ ]

    `500`ߦ௒͑ͱΔΘʂ - [ ] `App.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj` ͍ͬͯ͡Δ΍Μʁ - [ ] `Storyboard` ͍ͬͯ͡Δ΍Μʁ
  20. ͍͞͝ʹ ! Stop saying "you forgot to ..." in code

    review by (quoted from https:/ /github.com/danger/danger/)
  21. ࢀߟهࣄ • ΫοΫύου։ൃऀϒϩά • httpx:/ /techlife.cookpad.com/entry/2015/06/04/dokumi-ja • http:/ /techlife.cookpad.com/entry/2016/08/17/111500 •

    http:/ /techlife.cookpad.com/entry/2017/06/28/190000 • ϝϧΧϦ Χ΢ϧͷ։ൃؾʹͳΔʁͳΒ࿩ͦ͏ʂ by operandoOS • https:/ /speakerdeck.com/operando/merukari-kaurufalsekai-fa- qi-ninaru-narahua-sou
  22. Q&A