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Julia Wrobel
June 18, 2024


Julia Wrobel

June 18, 2024


  1. 2010 2013 Swarthmore College • BA, chemistry Children’s Hospital of

    Phila. • Immunology research asst 2019 Columbia University • MS, PhD, biostatistics
  2. 2010 2013 Swarthmore College • BA, chemistry Children’s Hospital of

    Phila. • Immunology research asst 2019 Columbia University • MS, PhD, biostatistics 2024 Assistant Professor • Colorado/Emory • Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
  3. Some takeaways • Your path doesn’t have to be linear

    • A great thing about academia is you get to keep learning • A great thing about biostatistics is dabbling in different scientific areas • For example, cancer biology 7
  4. What is single cell multiplex imaging? • High dimensional analysis

    of tissue samples at the resolution of individual cells 9
  5. What is single cell multiplex tissue imaging? • Multiplex refers

    to multiple types of proteins in the tissue that are tagged • Each protein label is called a marker • Phenotypic markers: used to define cell and/or tissue type • Functional markers: inform cell function • Present across multiple cell types 11
  6. What is single cell multiplex tissue imaging? • Multiplex refers

    to multiple types of proteins in the tissue that are tagged • Immunofluorescence based • Proteins stained with fluorescent antibodies then imaged using fluorescence microscopy • Mass cytometry based • Proteins tagged with metal isotypes (IMC, MIBI)
  7. What is single cell multiplex imaging? • Imaging means spatial

    relationships in the tissue are preserved • Precursor technologies (left) required suspension of cells in solution, destroying spatial info 13
  8. What is single cell multiplex tissue imaging? • Images produced

    are multichannel TIFF (.tif) files • Each channel is a different protein marker • Each pixel contains a continuous intensity value for each marker • Example below with non-small cell lung cancer data • 8 channels, 3 shown (Left to Right: composite image, nuclei, CK, CD8) 14
  9. Cancer, multiplex imaging, and the tumor microenvironment The tumor microenvironment

    (TME) is the area within and surrounding a tumor, including tumor cells, infiltrating immune cells, blood vessels, and other tissue • What percentages of immune cell subtypes are present before and after chemotherapy? • Do patients with high spatial clustering of B-cells and Macrophages survive longer? 15 Image from Polidoro et. al. World J. Gasteroentrol., 26(33) (2020)
  10. Multiplex image data processing and analysis pipeline Phenotyping Segmentation Normalization

    Image processing Compositional data analysis Spatial data analysis Statistical analysis Image acquisition Image filtering/ background correction Image pre-processing
  11. Image acquisition Image filtering/ background correction Multiplex image data processing

    and analysis pipeline Image acquisition Image filtering/ background correction Image pre-processing Phenotyping Segmentation Normalization Image processing
  12. Multiplex image data processing and analysis pipeline Cell 1 Pixel

    1 Marker a Marker b Pixel n Marker a Marker b Phenotyping Segmentation Normalization Image processing
  13. Multiplex image data processing and analysis pipeline Phenotyping Segmentation Normalization

    Image processing Image # Cell # CD4 CD19 Phenotype X Y Tissue type 1 1 + _ CD4 T-cell … … Tumor 1 2 - + B-cell … … Stroma 1 3 - - Macrophage … … Stroma 1 4 + - CD8 T-cell … … Tumor 2 1 - - Tumor cell … … Stroma
  14. Multiplex image data processing and analysis pipeline Compositional data analysis

    Spatial data analysis Statistical analysis Image # Cell # Phenotype X Y Tissue type Age Survival Status Cancer stage 1 1 CD4 T-cell … … Tumor 55 0 1 1 2 B-cell … … Stroma 55 0 1 1 3 Macrophage … … Stroma 55 0 1 1 4 CD8 T-cell … … Tumor 55 0 1 2 1 Tumor cell … … Stroma 62 1 2 Cell-level Image-level Patient-level
  15. • Surprisingly little multiplex-imaging data is publicly available • VectraPolarisData

    package addresses this • Bioconductor ExperimentHub package as of April 2022 • 2 large datasets from my collaborators at CU-Anschutz VectraPolarisData Package 22
  16. VectraPolarisData datasets HumanLungCancerV3 • Non-small cell lung carcinoma ROIs •

    Vectra3 mIHC, CU-AMC • 761 images from 153 patients • 1,604,786 • 7 markers • 5 phenotypic (CD3, CD8, CD14, CD19, CD68, ck) • 1 functional (HLADR) • Patient-level outcomes HumanOvarianCancerVP • High-grade serous ovarian cancer tumor microarray • VectraPolaris mIHC, CU-AMC • 128 patients, 1 image each • 1,610,431 cells • 8 markers • 5 phenotypic (CD3, CD8, CD68, CD19, CK) • 2 functional (pstat3, IER3) • Patient-level outcomes 23
  17. • Pixel level processing: work with multichannel tiff files directly

    • Operates on pixel intensity values • Cell-level processing: work with tabular data after cell segmentation • Operates on median or mean intensity values aggregated at cell level • Segmentation • Pixel-level • Phenotyping • Pixel-level or cell-level Statistical image processing 26
  18. Identifies cells and nuclei in image 1. Nucleus channel used

    to identify nucleus 2. Cell membrane or cytoplasm markers used to draw boundary around nucleus Cell segmentation 27 Cell 1 Pixel 1 Marker a Marker b Pixel n Marker a Marker b
  19. • Proprietary software • inForm by Akoya, Halo automated image

    analysis software • GUI-based, user-friendly • No manually segmented data required • GUI-based open-source software • CellProfiler, ilastik, QuPath • User-friendly for non-computer scientists/statisticians • No manually segmented data required* • Deep-learning based open-source software • Best performance* • Need manually segmented data* • Hard to adapt without computational expertise Segmentation approaches 28
  20. Cell phenotyping The process of identifying cell types from marker

    expression values • Cell labeling Conceptually, goal is to create a “cut point” in marker intensities where cells are either positive or negative for a marker 29
  21. Cell types by immune markers Thanks to Brooke Fridley and

    Alex Soupir at the Moffitt Cancer Center for this image
  22. • Marker gating • Determine cutpoint in marker intensity histogram

    to designate “marker positive” and “marker negative” cells • Unsupervised clustering methods • Seurat, Phenograph contain built-in software • Most developed for other single-cell analysis • Semi-supervised • GammaGateR: new approach by Xiong, Vandekar, Bioinformatics 2024 Phenotyping approaches 31
  23. Our goal is to use multiplex imaging to better understand

    patient survival in ovarian cancer • Cell locations from an ovarian cancer tissue sample • Green cells are in tumor area • Pink cells are in stromal area • Black cells are macrophages • Steps of analysis: 1. Quantify spatial clustering of macrophages 2. Use spatial metrics as covariates in regression model How to best quantify spatial clustering? • Need to do feature extraction 33
  24. • Why can’t we compare the images themselves directly? •

    Highly heterogeneous structure • No pixelwise correspondence across images • Extract features instead to obtain correspondence across images • These are numbers that summarize characteristics of each image • Spatial summary statistics are metrics that summarize spatial clustering Image feature extraction 34
  25. Spatial summary statistics • Extracted to describe spatial relationship amongst

    cells in an image • Often separated by tumor/stroma • Univariate spatial summary statistics • Clustering of cells of one type • Bivariate spatial summary statistics • Co-expression or co-clustering of two cell types (e.g. T-cells and B-cells) • Ripley’s K function is a popular metric of spatial clustering 35
  26. • K-function is a popular metric for analyzing spatial correlation

    • The standardized average number of neighbors of a cell within radius r • Has theoretical value of 𝜋𝑟! under complete spatial randomness (CSR) • Compare observed to theoretical value to assess clustering Ripley’s K-function 36
  27. Ripley’s K effectively quantifies spatial clustering in scMI • Based

    on point processes • Locations of cells random variable • Gray cells: background cells • Red cells: immune cells • Goal is to quantify deviations from complete spatial randomness (CSR) • ! 𝐾 𝑟 − 𝐸!"# 𝐾 𝑟 used to predict patient survival 37
  28. • Mark correlation function • Derivative of K function •

    Nearest-neighbor G function • Examines probability of encountering a neighboring cell • Moran’s I • Can be used to quantify continuous marker intensity values • Local and global versions • Univariate and bivariate Other spatial summary statistics 38
  29. Acknowledgements, and thanks! Colorado SPH Biostatistics • Thao Vu •

    Souvik Seal • Tushar Ghosh • Debashis Ghosh Moffit Cancer Center • Brooke Fridley • Lauren Peres • Alex Soupir Vanderbilt Biostatistics • Simon Vandekar • Ruby Xiong • Coleman Harris Contact Info [email protected] juliawrobel.com github.com/julia-wrobel