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Building APIs

Building APIs

Justin Yost

July 03, 2015

More Decks by Justin Yost

Other Decks in Programming


  1. What is an API 4 API - Application Programming Interface

    4 One thing talks to another thing. 4 Twitter, Facebook, AWS, all have APIs.
  2. Why do you need an API 4 JS Front End

    Framework? 4 An app? 4 Talk to other servers than the ones you own/ provision?
  3. Design 4 APIs are for developers 4 APIs are for

    in-house developers 4 APS are for outside developers 4 APIs are for possibly all level of developers
  4. Key Tips For Designing an API 4 Consistency 4 Standards

    (REST, HTTP, OAuth) 4 Versioning 4 Documentation (API Blueprint) 4 Don't just present the database
  5. REST Uniform Interface 4 System of endpoints 4 Provides enough

    information to be self describing 4 Provides enough information to manipulate 4 The interface is HTTP itself
  6. REST Stateless 4 HTTP is Stateless by design 4 Web

    apps though tend to care about state 4 State is what stored information do I already know when you make the request (Session is State)
  7. REST Cacheable 4 API should respond with Cache Headers as

    appropriate 4 API Clients should respect Cache Headers
  8. REST Client-Server 4 Separation of Concerns 4 Client - presents

    data, protects user state 4 Server - stores data
  9. REST Layered System 4 Clients may not always talk directly

    to the API server 4 Talk to an Auth Server, then a caching server, then API server
  10. Design REST 4 REST is HTTP 4 HTTP is more

    than GET, POST, PUT, DELETE 4 OPTIONS and HEAD 4 Idempotent Methods (GET, HEAD, DELETE, PUT) 4 Return Correct and Valid Headers
  11. Design OAuth 2.0 4 http://oauth.net/2/ 4 https://aaronparecki.com/articles/2012/07/29/1/ oauth2-simplified 4 Short

    URL: http://jty.me/1dEQyge 4 Support for a variety of authentication schemes 4 Tons of pre-existing libraries and packages
  12. Design JSON 4 Use JSON 1st and primarily 4 Maybe

    XML - are you a bank or law firm or Google? 4 Consider JSON API (Like really really consider it)
  13. Design Versioning 4 /api/v1/foo 4 /api/foo HEADERS: {'api-v': '1.0'} 4

    /api/foo HEADERS: {'Accept': 'application/ vnd.domain.v2+json'} 4 https://v1.domain.com/api/foo
  14. Design Don't just present the Database 4 Database and API

    are different and unique 4 Think through the complex pieces of the API 4 APIs can make thins simpler in the final view
  15. This stuff is really hard 4 You'll mess up 4

    You'll forget something 4 You'll build it weird 4 That's why we version things
  16. Some other tips 4 SSL 4 Build stuff with your

    API, that'll tell you how hard it is 4 Read other API docs and build with their API 4 Provide Libraries