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How to hamburger

How to hamburger

Slides for hamburger walkthrough in karriere.at frontend chapter

Klemens Gordon

April 05, 2016

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  1. requirements - hamburger is sticky - when menu is open

    content preserves its scroll position + Content and menu are in body (for native scrolling behaviour) + fadeIn/fadeOut aka animations
  2. Lvl 1 Menu is display none Content is display block

    Hamburger is fixed STATE: MENUE_CLOSE
  3. Lvl 1 Menu is display none Content is display block

    Hamburger is clicked STATE: MENUE_CLOSE
  4. Lvl 1 Menu is display block Content is display none

    close is fixed Hamburger is hidden STATE: MENUE_OPEN
  5. Lvl 2 Menu is display none Content is display block

    Hamburger is fixed STATE: MENUE_CLOSE
  6. Lvl 2 Menu is display none Content is display block

    Hamburger is clicked var contentScrollPosition = content.scrollTop; STATE: MENUE_CLOSE
  7. Lvl 2 Menu is display none Content is display none

    close is fixed Hamburger is hidden STATE: MENUE_OPEN
  8. Lvl 3 Menu is display none Content is display block

    Hamburger is fixed STATE: MENUE_CLOSE
  9. Lvl 3 Menu is fixed for animation Content is display

    block Hamburger is clicked var contentScrollPosition = content.scrollTop; STATE: MENUE_WILL_OPEN
  10. Lvl 2 Menu is display block Content is display none

    close is fixed Hamburger is hidden STATE: MENUE_OPEN