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Alien Invasion

Katie Moore
February 03, 2024

AlienĀ Invasion

A shapeshifting alien embarks on their first mission: wrest control of the planet Earth for the alien empire, starting with the president.

Katie Moore

February 03, 2024

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  1. Scene 1_A Duration 03:06:00 Panel 27 Duration 01:00 Dialog Is

    this your first mission too? alien shapeshifter Page 44/206
  2. Scene 1_A Duration 03:06:00 Panel 131 Duration 01:00 Dialog Bogey!

    Coming in hot! alien shapeshifter Page 148/206
  3. Scene 1_A Duration 03:06:00 Panel 132 Duration 01:00 Dialog Bogey!

    Coming in hot! alien shapeshifter Page 149/206
  4. Scene 1_A Duration 03:06:00 Panel 169 Duration 01:00 Dialog Don't

    move! Mr. President!! alien shapeshifter Page 186/206
  5. Scene 1_A Duration 03:06:00 Panel 177 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dad!

    You found him! alien shapeshifter Page 194/206
  6. Scene 1_A Duration 03:06:00 Panel 180 Duration 01:00 Dialog Can

    we keep him! alien shapeshifter Page 197/206
  7. Scene 1_A Duration 03:06:00 Panel 182 Duration 01:00 Dialog If

    it was going to kill us it already would have, Gary. alien shapeshifter Page 199/206