came up with a new storyline for Mario. He has to save Princess Peach with various new challenges in The Luncheon Kingdom. Application development is very much like working as a Chef in a restaurant. Challenging, terrifying, yet exciting. Presentation will henceforth feature an expert in the dining industry, Mr. Ramsey →
like this analogy of a dim sum meal. Application development includes providing: 1) Various widgets are possible. 2) Use of containers for delivering widgets. 3) End user can access any combination of widgets. 4) End user may lack technical literacy.
<html> <head> <!-- This is a comment. --> <!-- metadata goes in the head section --> </head> <body> <!-- Page contents goes in the body. Multiline comments are allowed. --> </body> </html>
the grammar of computer languages • Many specifications use this format to describe legal syntax Example: sandwich ::= lower_slice [ mustard | mayonnaise ] lettuce? tomato? [ bologna | salami | ham ] {2,4} cheese + top_slice
of a document written in HTML • Enables separation of presentation and content • In CSS, selectors declare which part of the markup a style applies to by matching tags and attributes in the markup itself. ◦ Selectors may apply to all elements of a specific type, e.g. the second-level headers h2 ◦ elements specified by attribute, in particular: ▪ id: an identifier unique within the document ▪ class: an identifier that can annotate multiple elements in a document ▪ elements depending on how they are placed relative to others in the document tree.
preprocessor’s syntax. • May have added features that don’t come with CSS • Helps with maintaining large scale CSS structure
sheets <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.min.css" > 2. Use their CSS classnames (see next slide) Some of the ones available • Bootstrap • Bulma • Material Design ...and more