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Funky Functions with Quarkus Funqy

Funky Functions with Quarkus Funqy

Kevin Dubois

January 25, 2024

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  1. @kevindubois Kevin Dubois ★ Java Champion ★ Principal Developer Advocate

    at Red Hat ★ Based in Belgium 󰎐 ★ Speak English, Dutch, French, Italian ★ Open Source Contributor (Quarkus, Camel, Knative, ..) ★ Community Member (BeJUG, BeCNCF) @kevindubois@mastodon.social youtube.com/@thekevindubois linkedin.com/in/kevindubois github.com/kdubois @kevindubois.com
  2. @kevindubois Serverless Over provisioning Time in capacity planning IT cost

    of idle resources Under provisioning Lost business revenue Poor quality of service More applications Direct line between IT costs & business revenue NOT Serverless with Serverless
  3. @kevindubois FUNQY “Quarkus Funqy is part of Quarkus’s serverless strategy

    and aims to provide a portable Java API to write functions deployable to various FaaS environments like AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google Cloud Functions, Knative, and Knative Events (Cloud Events). It is also usable as a standalone service.”
  4. @kevindubois $ quarkus create app -x funqy-amazon-lambda $ quarkus create

    app -x quarkus-funqy-google-cloud-functions $ quarkus create app -x quarkus-funqy-http …
  5. @kevindubois $ kn func create -l quarkus myfunc $ kn

    func deploy $ quarkus create app -x funqy-knative-cloud-event $ kn service create myservice --image=xyz
  6. @kevindubois CloudEvents CNCF incubating project - https://cloudevents.io/ Provides a common

    event schema => Interoperability, portability Extensible through extension attributes SDKs for different programming languages - including Java Protocol-agnostic (HTTP, AMQP, MQTT, …) Wide adoption
  7. @kevindubois Start exploring in the OpenShift Sandbox. Learn containers, Kubernetes,

    and OpenShift in your browser. developers.redhat.com/developer-sandbox Try Red Hat's products and technologies without setup or configuration.