without the contributions of the coauthors. I thank; Kobelco engineers and researchers for motivating me into this work, sharing their knowledge on hydraulic systems, and their efforts in excavator experiments. Dr. Bernard Brogliato for sharing his vast expertise on the theory of nonsmooth systems. Mr. Yuki Yamamoto, a PhD candidate, for his continuing contribution spanning from theory to hardware. Kikuuwe, Okada, Yoshihara, Doi, Nanjo & Yamashita: “A Nonsmooth Quasi-Static Modeling Approach for Hydraulic Actuators,” Trans ASME: J. Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, vol.143, no.12, p.121002, 2021. Yamamoto, Qiu, Munemasa, Doi, Nanjo, Yamashita & Kikuuwe:“A Sliding-Mode Set-Point Position Controller for Hydraulic Excavators,” IEEE Access, vol.9, pp.153735-153749, 2021. Kikuuwe, Yamamoto & Brogliato: “Implicit Implementation of Nonsmooth Controllers to Nonsmooth Actuators,” IEEE Trans Automatic Control, vol.67, no.9, pp.4645-4657, 2022. Yamamoto, Qiu, Doi, Nanjo, Yamashita & Kikuuwe:“A Position Controller for Hydraulic Excavators with Deadtime and Regenerative Pipelines,” preprint, jxiv.440, 2023.