An overview of my favorite core refinements in ECMAScript 6, the next major revision of the standard that governs JavaScript. This is an expanded version of my W3Conf talk. Presented at the August SF HTML5 meet-up.
and global object semantics Standardizing de facto behaviors Array extras New object re ection methods Strict mode Native JSON support get() set(value)
(1) { [previous, current] = [current, previous + current]; let isReset = yield current; if (isReset) { [previous, current] = [0, 1]; } } } function* distinguishes a generator from a function yield returns a generator object that can modify the generator’s state
duplicates in linear time Maps and Sets enumerate entries in insertion order WeakMaps and WeakSets use weak references to allow for garbage collection var unique = [ Set([1, 2, O, 2, 3, 'A', 'B', O, 'C', 'C', 'D'])]; // => [1, 2, O, 3, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
function store(element, name, value) { // Create the element data store if // it doesn't exist. if (!storage.has(element)) { storage.set(element, new Map()); } // Associate the name and value with // the element. storage.get(element).set(name, value); return element; }
storage.get(element).get(name); } function unstore(element, name) { if (!storage.has(element)) { return; } let data = storage.get(element); let value = data.get(name); data.delete(name); return value; }
"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock", "date": 1915 }, { "title": "Rhapsody on a Windy Night", "date": 1917 }] }, { "name": "Ezra Pound", "works": [{ "title": "Ripostes", "date": 1912 }] }]; var [{'name': author, 'works': [, {title, date}]}] = poets; `"${title}", by ${author}, was published in ${date}.` // => '"Rhapsody on a Windy Night", by T.S. Eliot, was published in 1917.'
var occupation = 'programmer'; var person = { 'name': name, 'occupation': occupation }; var name = 'Kit'; var occupation = 'programmer'; var person = { name, occupation };