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recount workflow: Accessing over 70,000 human RNA-seq samples with Bioconductor

Leonardo Collado-Torres

April 17, 2018

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  1. 11 recount workflow: Accessing over 70,000 human RNA-seq samples with

    Bioconductor Leonardo Collado-Torres @fellgernon sites.google.com/view/lalresearchgroup/our-weekly-webinar speakerdeck.com/lcolladotor/recount-webinar April 17, 2018
  2. SRA

  3. jx 1 jx 2 jx 3 jx 4 jx 5

    jx 6 Coverage Reads Gene Isoform 1 Isoform 2 Potential isoform 3 exon 1 exon 2 exon 3 exon 4 Expressed region 1: potential exon 5 f1000research.com/articles/6-1558/v1
  4. >library('recount') > download_study('SRP029880', type='rse-gene') > download_study('SRP059039', type='rse-gene') > load(file.path('SRP029880 ',

    'rse_gene.Rdata')) > load(file.path('SRP059039', 'rse_gene.Rdata')) > mdat <- do.call(cbind, dat) github.com/leekgroup/recount-analyses/
  5. Number of Regions 589 589 589 589 Number of Samples

    (N) 4,769 4,769 7,193 8,951 97.3% 96.5% 71.9% 50.6% Tissue prediction is accurate across data sets doi.org/10.1093/nar/gky102
  6. Number of Regions 589 589 589 589 589 Number of

    Samples (N) 4,769 4,769 613 6,579 8,951 97.3% 96.5% 91.0% 70.2% Prediction is more accurate in healthy tissue 50.6% doi.org/10.1093/nar/gky102
  7. > library('recount') > download_study( 'ERP001942', type='rse-gene') > load(file.path('ERP001942 ', 'rse_gene.Rdata'))

    > rse <- scale_counts(rse_gene) > rse_with_pred <- add_predictions(rse_gene) github.com/leekgroup/recount-analyses/
  8. expression data for ~70,000 human samples samples phenotypes ? GTEx

    N=9,962 TCGA N=11,284 SRA N=49,848 samples expression estimates gene exon junctions ERs Answer meaningful questions about human biology and expression sex tissue M Blood F Heart F Liver slide adapted from Shannon Ellis
  9. The recount2 team Hopkins Kai Kammers Shannon Ellis Margaret Taub

    Kasper Hansen Jeff Leek Ben Langmead OHSU Abhinav Nellore LIBD Leonardo Collado-Torres Andrew Jaffe recount-brain Ashkaun Razmara Funding and hosting NIH R01 GM105705 NIH 1R21MH109956 CONACyT 351535 AWS in Education Seven Bridges IDIES SciServer
  10. expression data for ~70,000 human samples (Multiple) Postdoc positions available

    to - develop methods to process and analyze data from recount2 - use recount2 to address specific biological questions This project involves the Hansen, Leek, Langmead and Battle labs at JHU Contact: Kasper D. Hansen (khansen@jhsph.edu | www.hansenlab.org) Code for making a 5 min video on recount2: github.com/lcolladotor/biopeerprize2018