DevOps & Technical Agility: From Theory to Practice
This is the content I presented in meetups for giving brief information about Agile, Devops, Software Craftsmanship, Opertions and Continuous Delivery and their connection with each other.
live idea Analysis DEVelop testing maintenance operations configuration management provisioning containerization virtual servers cloud infrastructure infrastructure as code & version central logging & auditing automatic scalability db versioning service virtualization deployment automation one step env creation deployment approaches automate everything
live idea Analysis DEVelop testing maintenance software craftsmanship brown bag sessions community of professionals lean meetups code retreats off-the-stack projects mob programming new habbits development manifesto foremen craftsmanship programs proficiency on tools agile documentation operations
reports dev+test in team version db stored builds auto int. tests static code an. auto reports act on metrics conf as code feature toggling auto deploy pipeline to prod auto acc. tests team responsible kaizen push metrics zero downtime auto db deploys full auto tests no rollbacks cross func. teams infra as code zero touch verify b. value silo analysis