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Erlang Meets Dependent Types

Erlang Meets Dependent Types

Talk given at EdLambda, in July 2015.

Dissertation Link: http://lenary.co.uk/publications/dissertation/

Sam Elliott

July 14, 2015

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    : Type → Type → Type proc : Actor l () Sam Elliott Erlang Meets Dependent Types
  7. Erlang Dependent Types Compiler Concurrency OTP Conclusion Actors data Actor

    : Type → Type → Type proc : Actor l () recieve : Actor l l Sam Elliott Erlang Meets Dependent Types
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  9. Erlang Dependent Types Compiler Concurrency OTP Conclusion Actors data Actor

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    : (r : Type) → (r → Type) → Type Sam Elliott Erlang Meets Dependent Types
  11. Erlang Dependent Types Compiler Concurrency OTP Conclusion RPC data RPCLang

    : (r : Type) → (r → Type) → Type data LockReq = Lock | Unlock data LockLockResp = Grant | Wait total LockResp : LockReq → Type LockResp Lock = LockLockResp LockResp Unlock = Unit LockLang : RPCLang LockReq LockResp Sam Elliott Erlang Meets Dependent Types
  12. Erlang Dependent Types Compiler Concurrency OTP Conclusion RPC II data

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  13. Erlang Dependent Types Compiler Concurrency OTP Conclusion RPC II data

    RPCRef : RPCLang rq rs → Type rpc : {l : RPCLang rq rs} → RPCRef l → (m : rq) → EIO (rs m) pid : RPCRef LockLang rpc pid Lock : LockLockResp rpc pid Unlock : Unit Sam Elliott Erlang Meets Dependent Types
  14. Erlang Dependent Types Compiler Concurrency OTP Conclusion RPC III spawn

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  15. Erlang Dependent Types Compiler Concurrency OTP Conclusion RPC III spawn

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  23. Erlang Dependent Types Compiler Concurrency OTP Conclusion Thanks To Edwin

    Brady Rob Stewart Skyscanner & Mike Moran Sam Elliott Erlang Meets Dependent Types