Source planes search Key ideas : • Use the original depth map Jo to infer good depth values of the missing pixels, • Use the previous superpixels matching for more robustness. How to find the good superpixel(s) ? Proposed method : Given a pixel p to inpaint 1 Find the closest known pixel q1 ∈ Js (belonging to the superpixel Rs 1 ), and the one q2 on the opposite side of the hole (belonging to the superpixel Rs 2 ), 2 Get the offsets ∆p 1 = p −q1 and ∆p 2 = p −q2 , 3 Report q1 and q2 on Jo by inverse warping (constraint : warped pixels belong to Ro 1 and Ro 2 respectively), 4 From these two points, get the superpixel(s) pointed by −∆p 1 and −∆p 2 respectively. Js Jo Js Jo 13/24