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LINE Platform for Developers : Besides users an...

LINE Platform for Developers : Besides users and developers

LINE DevDay 2020

November 27, 2020

More Decks by LINE DevDay 2020

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  1. Sho Tachibana Technical Evangelist • Tech Support • Plan Support

    • Alliance Support • Biz Support Contact Me Anytime!
  2. Agenda › Beside users and developers › New features ›

    Services against COVID-19 › Developer Community
  3. For Developer • Easy • Open • Free to Reasonable

    price • Huge User base • Monetizable
  4.  +        

  5. General › Security enhancements by switching to using a JSON

    Web Token › Can use any JWT library or write your own code from scratch to Generate a JWT from your Assertion Signing Key. Channel Access Token v2.1 Supports HTTP/2 › The handshake overhead is reduced and the connection efficiency is improved. Developer Center and Document › Faster and more developer friendly › Detailed Flex Message tutorial added
  6. Icon/nickname Switch › Can customize icon and display name of

    LINE Official Account › Can call with push/reply API › Especially useful for CS services leeap https://leeap.jp/
  7. Latest Emoji › Can send Latest LINE Emoji via API

    › Can also retrieve information about Emoji that users sent via webhook
  8. Messaging API Flex Message update 2 › Much more flexible

    › Flex Message Simulator has also been updated Limitation Extended › Limitation of messages such as length of Text message, size of media are now extended Narrow cast message › Can create audience group and send message via API › Includes users who clicked link in past messages, opened message and tagged in LINE Official Account Manager › Created audience group can be used in LINE Official Account Manager and LINE Ad Manager
  9. Messaging API User Language › Can retrieve users’ language via

    event webhook Retry Key › Can safely retry a request without duplicate API requests being processed Video Play Complete Event › Can receive webhook that indicates user plays whole video sent via API Webhook Setting API › Can get/set information regard to Webhook setting with API
  10. Messaging API TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 support by the

    webhook notification source will be discontinued at the end of January 2021 › Please see below and confirm communication from the new environment during the transition period. https://developers.line.biz/en/news/2020/10/06/update-webhook-client-and-root-certificate/
  11. Share Target Picker › LIFF App users can share message

    to their friends › Can customize message as well as Messaging API › The result of sharing can be retrieved Kieru(β) https://kieru.me
  12. Open Multiple LIFF › Can open multiple LIFF App at

    once › Old LIFF App keeps its state Browser Back https://liff.line.me/{liffId}
  13. LIFF Compatible with external browser › Now users can login

    and use LIFF App with external Browser › Set OGP information are now can be seen in preview of talk window Customizable OGP Added share button on header › LIFF users can share link of LIFF App Can include pass and query parameter › Can include pass and query parameter in LIFF URL
  14. LINE MINI App Platform LINE MINI App Platform Service A

    Service B UI Communication Payment MINI App API UI Auth • Promotion opportunities • APIs Provide App Better service experience • Use • Payment Developer User
  15. Native Messaging API $ $ $ # # # #

    #    ! " "      "    !           $ $ $ $ $ # #
  16. Native Messaging API $ $ $ # # # #

    #    ! " "      "    !           $ $ $ $ $ # #
  17. Native Messaging API LINE MINI App $ $ $ #

    # # # #    ! " "      "    !           $ $ $ $ $ # #
  18. Number of Community Event Attendee 0 100 200 300 400

    500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 201911 201912 202001 202002 202003 202004 202005 202006 202007 202008 202009 202010 202011
  19. ×

  20. Microsoft Azure × LINE Press release from LINE Fukuoka Corp.
