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Marketing OGZ
January 31, 2024


Marketing OGZ

January 31, 2024


  1. Opportunity & Responsibility in Uncertain Times Businesses are the ONLY

    trusted institutions (since 2021) Consumers name Affordability (84%) and Transparency (83%) as most important With 82%, “Hear our concerns, let us ask questions” comes in 3rd Source: Edelman Trust Barometer (32.000 respondents | 28 countries)
  2. Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers – Future of CX report 2019 What’s Important

    & What Would You Pay More For? PAY MORE IMPORTANCE
  3. 90% Of 1 Billion Wechat Users Use Wechat Pay to

    Make Purchases Source: Tencent
  4. ‘’Executives would be wise to make customer care the centerpiece

    of any effort to transform the customer experience’’ McKinsey
  5. “We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in

    the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run” Amara’s Law
  6. Question: Who was the first person to walk on the

    moon? Answer: Neil Armstrong Given the statistical distribution of words in the vast public corpus of English text, what words are most likely to follow the sequence ‘The first person to walk on the moon was’? The actual question: Source: The Guardian | John Naughton Large Language Models (LLMs)
  7. LLMs – Ingredients Pre-trained foundational model Training Super smart engineers

    to program next- level algorithms. Lots of data; e.g. books, web pages, news & social media articles. An insane amount of computing power to train the algorithms. API
  8. SaaS - monitor, control & report - Conversational AI +

    LLMs GenAI Engine - secure, compliant, LLM agnostic - API Historical Human Service Interactions Content URLs, PDFs (documents & knowledge articles) Next: Product- & customer data sources Historical Chatbot Interactions CONVERSATIONAL AI PLATFORM CONTACT CENTER AS A SERVICE
  9. SaaS - monitor, control & report - GenAI Engine -

    secure, compliant, LLM agnostic - API Historical Human Service Interactions Content URLs, PDFs (documents & knowledge articles) Next: Product- & customer data sources Historical Chatbot Interactions Contextual service & recommendations BOTH CONVERSATIONAL AI CLOUD Real-time Q&A functionality MOBILE SERVICE CLOUD Agent answer suggestions Conversational AI + LLMs
  10. Impact GenAI on Customer Conversations 1 Boost both quality &

    quantity of self-service content 3 Increase in efficiency and accuracy for call center operations 2 Automated conversations become more natural and personalized 4 Maximizing value of human service through agent augmentation
  11. Customer Conversations 2030 1 The number of brand conversations will

    increase drastically 3 5% of conversations will be handled by AI- augmented agents 2 95% of brand conversations will be handled by AI
  12. 80% of early adapters in Generative AI report at least

    5% revenue growth and up to 40% in cost savings Source: Forbes | LTIMindtree