Presented online for the Paid Search Association Conference in February 2025.
Gone are the days when you could just put an enquiry form on a PPC landing page and people would flock to find out more about your product or service. Now potential customers want to see value, benefits and credibility before they’ll even consider becoming a lead.
This talk will explore strategies and tactics to help you to ensure that your Lead Gen strategy is working efficiently and effectively, so that your PPC campaigns can bring high-quality leads through the door. It will look at the pre and post-click experience, as well as what PPC can do to help nurture them throughout the sales journey and beyond.
Actionable insights:
1. A summary of the modern Lead Gen landscape, how it has evolved over the years and why it has changed
2. How to optimise the pre and post-click experience to ensure that potential customers feel both informed and persuaded, and ready to submit their details
3. How to nurture potential customers once they have submitted their enquiry form, and how PPC can be used to foster loyalty and repeat custom