behavior The principle of linguistic relativity holds that the structure of a language affects the ways in which its speakers conceptualize their world, i.e. their world view, or otherwise influences their cognitive processes. Sunday, October 21, 12
JavaScript X X X* X easy Ruby/Python X X X X normal CoffeeScript X X X X normal Objective-C X X X X * nightmare Java X X X hard Go X * structural X X* X normal Clojure X X (hints) * X normal/ nightmare/ hell Scala X * structural X inferred X X normal/ nightmare Sunday, October 21, 12
name self.topic = topic end def start puts "Hi, my name is #{name} \ and I will talk about #{topic}." end end talk ="Matt", "Ruby") talk.start Sunday, October 21, 12
= topic; }; Presentation.prototype.start = function(){ return "Hi, my name is " + + " and I will talk about " + this.topic + "." }; var talk = new Presentation('Matt', 'JS'); talk.start(); Sunday, October 21, 12
"Hi, my name is " + + " and I will talk about " + this.topic + "." talk = new Presentation("Matt", "CoffeeScript") talk.start() Sunday, October 21, 12
Fetching ..... was fetched ....... was fetched . was fetched status: 200 OK status: 200 OK status: 200 OK Sunday, October 21, 12
sensible conventions fast compilation flexible code organization simpler take on OO features of FP error handling documentation source as documentation Sunday, October 21, 12
and topic.")) (defrecord Presentation [name topic] Talk; implement the Talk protocol (start [_] (str "Hi, this is " name " and I will talk about " topic "."))) (def talk (Presentation. "Matt" "Clojure")) (start talk) Sunday, October 21, 12
to know a lot of functions/macros not really web focused brain stack overflow hard mental context switch meaningless error stacks Sunday, October 21, 12