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Build your frontend app with Next.js

Build your frontend app with Next.js

Javascript, the past and the present
Babel and Webpack
React js
NEXT.js Introduction
3 Ways Load external javascript in component
Server side rendering
CSS-in-JS with tailwind css
Purge and minify CSS
Bundle NEXT.js server app with webpack
Ship your production app with docker
Deploy your app in Heroku

Mohamed Meabed

January 10, 2019

More Decks by Mohamed Meabed

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  1. @meabed Agenda 4 × Javascript, the past and the present

    × Babel and Webpack × React js × NEXT.js Introduction × 3 Ways Load external javascript in component × Server side rendering × CSS-in-JS with tailwind css × Purge and minify CSS × Bundle NEXT.js server app with webpack × Ship your production app with docker × Deploy your app in Heroku
  2. @meabed Javascript is all over the world 7 “Any application

    that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript.” — Jeff Atwood × ~100% of all tech companies × ~100% of all Web pages × IoT & Robotics - Johnny-Five, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and BeagleBone,... × Automotive × Blockchain × AI and ML × Space, healthcare, agriculture, education, etc…
  3. @meabed Edition Date published 1 June 1997 2 June 1998

    3 December 1999 4 Abandoned 5 December 2009 5.1 June 2011 6 June 2015[10] 7 June 2016[11] 8 June 2017[12] 9 June 2018[8] ES5 / ES6 / ES7 / ES9… / ES.Next 9
  4. @meabed ES5 / ES6 / ES7 / ES9… / ES.Next

    10 × 1995: JavaScript is born as LiveScript × 1997: ECMAScript standard is established × 1999: ES3 comes out and IE5 is all the rage × 2000–2005: XMLHttpRequest, a.k.a. AJAX, gains popularity in app such as Outlook Web Access (2000) and Oddpost (2002), Gmail (2004) and Google Maps (2005). × 2009: ES5 comes out (this is what most of us use now) with forEach, Object.keys, Object.create and standard JSON × 2015: ES6/ECMAScript2015 comes out; it has mostly syntactic sugar, because people weren’t able to agree on anything more ground breaking × 2016: ES7, 2017: ES8, 2018: ES9… ES.Next
  5. @meabed ES6 10 features... 11 1. Default Parameters in ES6

    2. Template Literals in ES6 3. Multi-line Strings in ES6 4. Destructuring Assignment in ES6 5. Enhanced Object Literals in ES6 6. Arrow Functions in ES6 7. Promises in ES6 8. Block-Scoped Constructs Let and Const 9. Classes in ES6 10. Modules in ES6 https://webapplog.com/es6/ https://www.sitepoint.com/es6-enhanced-object-literals/ https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2015/10/es6-whats-new-next-version-javascript/
  6. @meabed 13 Babel is a toolchain that is mainly used

    to convert ECMAScript 2015+ code into a backwards compatible version of JavaScript in current and older browsers or environments × Transform syntax × Polyfill × Source code transformations × Plugins “https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-plugin-proposal-optional-chaining" BABEL: The compiler for next generation JavaScript https://babeljs.io/docs/en/ https://babeljs.io/en/repl.html https://babeljs.io/docs/en/plugins
  7. @meabed 18 Webpack is a tool that lets you compile

    JavaScript modules, also known as module bundler, given a large number of files, it generates a single file (or a few files) that run your app. It can perform many operations: × helps you bundle your resources. × watches for changes and re-runs the tasks. × can run Babel transpilation to ES5, allowing you to use the latest JavaScript features without worrying about browser support. × can transpile CoffeeScript to JavaScript × can convert inline images to data URIs. Webpack: A module bundler
  8. @meabed 19 × allows you to use require() for CSS

    files. × can run a development webserver. × can handle hot module replacement. × can split the output files into multiple files, to avoid having a huge js file to load in the first page hit. × can perform tree shaking. × Webpack is not limited to be use on the frontend, it’s also useful in backend Node.js development as well × Plugins “https://webpack.js.org/plugins/” Predecessors of webpack, and still widely used tools, include: Grunt, Gulp, Broccoli There are lots of similarities in what those and Webpack can do, but the main difference is that those are known as task runners, while webpack was born as a module bundler. Webpack: Bundle JavaScript files for usage in a browser https://flaviocopes.com/webpack/
  9. @meabed 20 React.js is a flexible and efficient front end

    javascript library for building UI, and is considered the most in demand in the job markets in 2018. × Virtual DOM (Document Object Model) × JSX - template language with full power of JavaScript × Single way Data Flow × React Native × Performance × Simplicity × Testability × Big and awesome community React JS
  10. @meabed 21 Next.js is a lightweight framework for static and

    server‑rendered applications. “React Applications Made Simple” × Server-rendered by default UX, SEO! × Automatic code splitting for faster page loads × Prefetching code chunks × Simple client-side routing (page based) × Dev Webpack with Hot Module Replacement(HMR) × Serve with Express or any other Node.js HTTP server × Customizable Babel and Webpack configurations. × CSS / SASS / SCSS with styled-jsx × Big Community and many plugins Next.js
  11. @meabed 28 Next.js: Client + Server side rendering Out of

    the box initial server side rendering and client side rendering in Next.js eg: https://github.com/me-io/nextjs-starter/blob/master/pages/example/github-md-ssr.jsx × Initialize `props` from server in `getInitialProps` × Initialize `state` from `props` × Pass the state from the `Page` to the rendering × Export the component with HOC `withRouter` × Use `componentDidUpdate` to get previous router and current router and decide when to update component state Next.js is well document - https://github.com/zeit/next.js/blob/master/README.md
  12. @meabed 29 Tailwind CSS: A Utility-First CSS Framework × Responsive

    & Mobile first × Utilities and composable × No CSS inheritance = No CSS override × Don’t write CSS = Fewer CSS files × Highly configurable, great fit for style guides and multiple teams × Extendable with plugins × CSS Purgeable https://tailwindcss.com/docs/what-is-tailwind/ https://frontendnews.io/editions/2018-08-08-tailwind-css-tutorial
  13. @meabed Build together × Attend the meetups × Follow us

    on Twitter @meiohq × Subscribe to the newsletter × Speak and present × Share and Invite × Give feedback and suggestions × And everything else :) 39
  14. @meabed Thanks! Any questions? You can find me at 40

    @meabed https://github.com/meabed https://meabed.com