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Building Together In Love (2)

October 25, 2020

Building Together In Love (2)


October 25, 2020


  1. 19 “So then, let us pursue [with enthusiasm] the things

    which make for peace and the building up of one another [things which lead to spiritual growth].” ROMANS 14:19 AMP
  2. The word “BUILDING UP” is a construction term that was

    used to describe a building going up
  3. Sometimes we need to build from the ground up and

    other times we’re called to come alongside someone in order to build them up.
  4. “The follower of Jesus have been called to peace, when

    He called them they found peace,” (By: Dietrich Bonhoeffer) “For He is their PEACE”
  5. 29 “Do not let unwholesome [foul, profane, worthless, vulgar] words

    ever come out of your mouth,” EPHESIANS 4:29 AMP
  6. 29 “But only such speech as is good for building

    up others,” EPHESIANS 4:29 AMP
  7. 29”according to the need and the occasion, so that it

    will be a blessing to those who hear [you speak].” EPHESIANS 4:29 AMP
  8. 21 “The tongue can bring death or life; those who

    love to talk will reap the consequences.” PROVERBS 18:21 NLT
  9. 11 “Dear brothers and sisters, I close my letter with

    these last words: Be joyful. Grow to maturity.” 2 CORINTHIANS 13:11 NLT
  10. 11 “Encourage each other. Live in harmony and peace. Then

    the God of love and peace will be with you.” 2 CORINTHIANS 13:11 NLT
  11. Paul’s closing words- what he wanted the Corinthians to remember

    about the needs facing their church, are still fitting for the church today.
  12. When two people have the same ambition to live their

    life a certain way, they find that they automatically have a great deal in common and it enables to be united.
  13. As those who call ourselves Christian, we are striving to

    live a holy life, to move on to perfection,
  14. And if since we have that same ambition to live

    our life a certain way, we have a great deal of Harmony
  15. Who we are as a CHURCH family and what we

    do are automatically linked,
  16. So much of what causes disunity within the Church is

    the RESULT OF PERSON’S ego or pride
  17. 10 “I appeal to you, dear brothers and sisters, by

    the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to live in harmony with each other.” 1 CORINTHIANS 1:10 NLT
  18. 10 “Let there be no divisions in the church. Rather,

    be of one mind, united in thought and purpose.” 1 CORINTHIANS 1:10 NLT
  19. 11 “So encourage each other and build each other up,

    just as you are already doing.” 1 THESSALONIANS 5:11 NLT
  20. By encouraging one another we build each other up, Paul

    commends the Thessalonians for building one another up.
  21. The word “BUILDING UP” in the Greek carries with it

    the picture of a BUILDING UP A HOUSE
  22. WE BUILT EACH OTHER UP to handle the storms, trials,

    tribulations & difficult situations that this life throws us.
  23. We are given strength through the power of God’s Word

    at work in the encouraging words spoken by fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
  24. 21 “The words of the godly encourage many, but fools

    are destroyed by their lack of common sense.” PROVERBS 10:21 NLT
  25. Let us continue to build one another up in the

    faith so we can withstand the stormy times in life, but more importantly so that we might remain firm in the faith until the Last Day.
  26. 1 “And now, beloved brothers and sisters, since you have

    been mentored by us ..” 1 Thessalonians 4:1 TPT
  27. 1 “I appeal to you in the name of the

    Lord Jesus with this request…” 1 Thessalonians 4:1 TPT
  28. As a follower of Christ have made a more important

    commitment to build up one another,