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Constructive destructiveness for containers

Constructive destructiveness for containers

Talk at ContainerCamp London, see https://container.camp/uk/2016/schedule/

Michael Hausenblas

September 09, 2016

More Decks by Michael Hausenblas

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  1. © 2016 Mesosphere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. CONSTRUCTIVE DESTRUCTIVENESS FOR

    CONTAINERS 1 Michael Hausenblas | ContainerCamp, London | 2016-09-09
  2. © 2016 Mesosphere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WHY I USUALLY

    DON'T DO IT … 4 • My code is bug free • It costs time/money • 'Uncool' work
  3. © 2016 Mesosphere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. TERMINOLOGY 6 unit

    testing property based testing fault injection resilience testing smoke testing stress testing canary deployments dev prod cost-benefit language dependent
  4. © 2016 Mesosphere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. SCOPES 7 container

    host & intra-host service (app/business)
  5. © 2016 Mesosphere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. FALLACIES OF DISTRIBUTED

    COMPUTING 8 • The network is reliable. • Latency is zero. • Bandwidth is infinite. • The network is secure. • Topology doesn't change. • There is one administrator. • Transport cost is zero. • The network is homogeneous.
  6. © 2016 Mesosphere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. CHAOS ENGINEERING 9

    Pioneered by Netflix • Define normal behaviour • Define expectations • Test hypothesis
  7. © 2015 Mesosphere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. FAILURE MODES 10

    container master worker container container container container master master worker worker worker worker worker container container container container container container container container
  8. © 2016 Mesosphere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ASPECTS 11 •

    automation (health checks) • black box testing (what happens if you cut off the connection to environment?) • dimensions • disk I/O • time (skew) • network traffic • requests per second served • cascading failures
  9. © 2016 Mesosphere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. TOOLING 14 •

    Chaos Monkey
 https://medium.com/production-ready/chaos-monkey-for-fun-and- profit-87e2f343db31 • Wehkamp's Half-Life2/microservices attack tool
  10. © 2016 Mesosphere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. TOOLING 15 •

 http://blog.terranillius.com/post/pumba_docker_chaos_testing/ • Mizaru
 https://github.com/giantswarm/mizaru • Blockade
 https://github.com/dcm-oss/blockade • Kubernetes (sig-testing)
 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/4548 • DC/OS: DRAX
  11. © 2016 Mesosphere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Q & A

    21 • @mhausenblas • mhausenblas.info • [email protected] https://dcos.io