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October 04, 2024

More Decks by midnight480

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  1. What happened and what was done to send the Swag

    Tetsuya Shibao (First half: up to the creation of the list)
  2. Outline • Self Introduction • Create a Swag mailing list

    • How to communicate with the speakers • Create a list from the Form, which is accepting multiple responses at any time. • Dealing with situations that can't be helped • Conclusion 3
  3. Self Introduction Tetsuya Shibao Oita (born and raised there for

    22 years) → Tokyo (11 years) → Fukuoka (2 years) → Saga (Sep. 2023〜) JAWS-UG SAGA Core Member (2023.2〜) AWS Community Builder(2023.8〜) 4 https://midnight480.com/
  4. How to communicate with the speakers Before everyone joined make-jaws

    Slack • AWS Hero/Community Builder/Ambassador Slack • Post over and over again • LinkedIn(Post) • Post and repost 5 • LinkedIn(DM) • Easy to connect with AWS users overseas • Sent 20 DMs to connected users and received 7 responses
  5. How to communicate with the speakers After everyone joined make-jaws

    Slack • The account name (including the display name) is unknown, so it was handled by shoulder check. 6 • Maybe I should have been notified after joining Slack. • At JAWS Festa 2023, I was unknowingly creating that document...
  6. Create a list from the Form, which is accepting multiple

    responses at any time There were three types of Google Forms for the speakers • Collecting T-Shirt Size, Swag shipping address info using IMPORTRANGE func. 7 result result result Viewing registered data Only the information necessary for shipping is extracted CfP (T-Shirt size) for Speakers (Address Info.) for Sponsors (Address Info.)
  7. Create a list from the Form, which is accepting multiple

    responses at any time Handling of registration of different names depending on the form • Different forms have different name items. • (FIRST/MIDDLE/LAST) NAME • (FIRST/LAST) NAME • Not consistent that the language of information on names • English • Kanji • Registration of some parts is confirmed by shoulder check. 8
  8. Dealing with situations that can't be helped Pay attention to

    the world situation. • it is sometimes difficult to contact the speakers. • Different Time Zone? • Missing the emails we send? 9 • War or Democracy riot
  9. Dealing with situations that can't be helped The demonstrations were

    taking place in Bangladesh. • No response after contacting additional request • Five days later, I got a response. • Internet communications out of the country were blocked by the government. 10
  10. Conclusion If I were to tell the next person who

    does similar work… • Notify you when the stakeholders Join one common communication tool. • Uniquely identifiable name items should match • Language on forms should be specified as uniform • Prepare a backup plan with a set date in case some people do not respond 11